This Girl Makes Me Question My Sexuality

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We finally arrived.

You would never think this was the local public school  unless you're a resident of my rich neighborhood.

I couldn't help but gawk at the size of this school.

"Close your mouth ma douce fille you don't want bugs in your teeth. Trust me it isn't pretty" my mom commented.

"Oui Oui m'ere" I replied , wow my nerves  must really be getting to me , I didn't even attempt a comeback!

"Your first day's going to be great Jamie, I'm sure you'll make lots of friends" my mother  said while giving me a tight hug.

"Au revoir mama" I said waving goodbye to her.

I definitely needed to get my own car or at least find a new ride.

I turned around and walked towards the tall building to get a closer look.

It looked larger than all of the private schools I had seen.

The main building had a big sign that had 'Lincoln Academy' written in gold on it 

I went to the main office to get my schedule , locker  number  etc etc.

The receptionist was a petite lady with short brown hair. 

She gave me a small smile and handed me my papers.

I smiled back and walked towards the door and was hopefully headed in the direction of the main hallway where the lockers were.

I followed the map to a T until I finally  reached what looked like my locker .

"Locker number 405" ,I didn't get lost on the first day. Point one Jamie!

The locker right next to mine was open. I glanced towards the  girl using the locker.

She was slim and average height.

She had lovely brown skin #thingsyounoticewhenyouhavemodelfriends .

And she had these beautiful African-braid dreadlocks in her hair.

They looked so good on her ,I couldn't stop staring .

It was when she closed her locker that she noticed me staring.

I genuinely smiled at her showing her all 32 of my pearly whites.

She  chuckled before smirking at me and walking away.

I made my way to my first class which was psychology.

One reason I took this subject was because I was obsessed with the character' Spencer Reid' from 'Criminal Minds'. I mean he was hot and smart now that's a deal breaker .

I walked into the room .Handing my slip to the teacher .The teacher who I suppose is 'Mr Adams' according to his badge smiled at me  before gesturing for  me to introduce myself to the class.

Wow the kids at this school took punctuality seriously .I wasn't even late and the class was already full. I noticed the girl with the  dreads sitting in the room. Her's was the only table with a free seat.

"Hi I'm Jamie" I said to the class before making my way to her table.

"I'm Melanie Davis" she said and shook my hand.

"So you new In town?"

"Yeah, I just moved here  from Manhattan"

"Woah are you like one of those girls whose on Gossip girl"

"Not exactly"

"What's life in New York like? did you party at clubs with your friends ,smoking cigarettes in the back?" what kind of New Yorkers was this girl using as a reference?

"It definitely warmer and busier than Forks , my friends and I never really went to clubs and I don't smoke"I replied while shrugging

"Good you shouldn't. It does some serious damage to your lungs"

"Though I do love 'Gossip Girl' oh and 'Criminal Minds' too"

"I have a feeling we're going to be very good friends" she replied smiling like the Cheshire cat from 'Alice in Wonderland' .They have  an uncanny resemblance.

We continued whispering throughout the lesson taking notes when required.We had a lot more in common than I thought.She definitely had a dark-ish more mature personality and I liked it.It was a refreshing contrast to the ball of sunshine Lily is all the time.

Melanie's family owned a chain of prestigious hospitals located throughout the country. She was training to become the next head of the surgical department.

I noticed her outfit.

She was was wearing a long black button down shirt with some dark jeans,

It suited her and fit well with her vibe. She had a deep yet elegant voice.

Wow, this girl makes me question my sexuality.

When class ended she gave me one last smile before saying

"You can sit with me and my friends during lunch if you'd like or until you make other friends who you'd rather sit with" she offered

" I'd really like that " I replied.

"Wait so which part of Forks do you live in?" she asked

"I live in Rosewood "

"No way I live there too. How come I've never seen you?"

"Just moved here remember."

"Right, that gated community may be full of old people but trust me their grand kids throw some killer parties  during the  week end. You should come with me next time  . Wait give me your phone number. I have a feeling we're  going to be hanging out  more often . Which house did you move into?"

"The White Lily, house number 122" I replied.

"That's close to Noah's house. I live in The Rose house number 130"

Noah, whose Noah and why does that name sound so familiar?

"I could probably walk to your house, we should hangout more often" she replied 

I can't explain how happy I was to finally be able to hangout with someone my age .

This town just keeps getting better and better!

Now all I have to do is find me my angel.


Don't worry the angel will be back soon


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