A Blonde Girl With Eyes Far Too Big For Her Face

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Noah's POV..........................

Today is the first day back to school. I'm really going to miss the summer.

I turned seventeen , partied like crazy, painted ,visited a shit ton of art galleries and spent almost every single hour of the day with my three favourite losers- Ben , Melanie and Beth.

But I mean it isn't all that bad. There's swim team , lunch and art class. Wait Cedric's going to be the assistant art teacher!

My day just got a whole lot better.

I got through the first few classes and honesty, it's good to be back. I have study hall now so I decide to go to the school Natatorium. Only swim team members have all day access to the pool. I start with a few warm up laps before timing myself . Now I just lay on my back and float , go with the flow .....literally. I decide to do a few laps underwater style to end my practice session.

I get out of the pool and tug that annoying swim cap off my head , I untie my hair tie and shake my blonde hair lose. You must be wondering why a guy my age in high school has hair that reaches down to his shoulders.

Well guess what , that's how I like it . It 2020 keep your unwanted opinions to yourself .

Did I just here the door close?

I turn around to find a blonde girl with eyes far too big for her face staring at me.

She's dressed in black and is wearing a coat. Wait a minute.....................

she kind of reminds me of those creepy girls who sneak in to take pictures of the swim team members .I get that they like abs and shit , but this is a serious problem .

I fold my arms in front of my chest and give her the sternest look I can muster.

She doesn't seem to be afraid . She kind of looks like a hamster trying to be brave

Cute or Weird ? I can't decide

I can't stop the smirk forming on my lips

"You aren't supposed to be here , only club members are allowed at this time of the day" 

She just smiles, WTF is wrong with this chick?

"I'm here to give Noah Williams his art bag . Cedric sent me . He didn't want Noah to miss his bag too much"she replies

Cedric Cedric Cedric.................... why are you doing this to me?

Crap...... now I feel bad for yelling at her

I take my bag from her and say a quick thanks before looking up at the giant clock on the wall. It's almost time for class.

"I'm Jamie , I'm new here , do you know where the A.P English class is?"

"We better hurry ,  follow me"


Today's been pretty smooth other than that whole 'Noah misses his art bag 'crap.

Which reminds me , I better check to see how Cedric's coping with the job. This year's crucial for him . He's here to observe Monsieur Louis' painting  techniques. I decide to stop by the art room.

"Noah ! did you get your art bag?"Cedric asks looking a little too happy

"Yeah, thanks for that. How's your day been so far? "

"Not bad. I got a small briefing from the principal this morning , basically just the school rules. You have a really strict policy on teacher-student relationships .The principal told me I could possibly be charged as a pedophile considering you guys are still  minors and I'm 23"

"That could possibly destroy your career if you're not careful"

"Exactly, which is why I'm going to stay as far as possible from these high school girls especially . This time is way to important for me "

I say goodbye and head to the cafeteria 

I see Ben already sitting at a table. Beth isn't coming today.So it's just Mel ,Ben and me.

Wait is Mel bringing someone with her to sit with us?

Mel never brings new people to sit with us. She's the most reserved and unwelcoming out of the four of us which is one of the reasons our group never expands.

Ben looks at me and just shrugs.

"Hey guys this is Jamie. I met her in psychology class , don't scare her away!"Mel scolds

Wait Jamie! I look up from my food to see the blonde with big blue eyes. She narrows her eyes at me before sitting down at our table.


Mel and I are going to watch Ben's basketball practice cause I obviously have nothing better to do at the moment .

Wait is Mel bringing Jamie again?

At the end of the game all of us go to see Ben.

"Noah could you give Jamie a ride? She lives in Rosewood"

My beautiful car is a taxi now? 

"Sure" I reply

The atmosphere in the car is awkward . She tries to make conversation , but it honestly isn't helping. I apologise to her for earlier and almost immediately the awkwardness between us almost disappears and we're laughing?

She seems cool enough.

I still think her eyes are too big though .

"You live in Rosewood right?"

"Yup , 'The White Lily'" she replies

How have we not met before?

She literally lives next door 

Somehow suddenly we're talking about Cedric . He's seems to be getting a lot of attention already.

Cedric's like an older brother to me, I won't let him get into trouble.

She's asking way too many questions

"He probably has a lot of problems dealing with girls at this school"she says 

That's all it takes to make me stop the car almost violently .

I tell her to mind her own business in the sternest way possible.

Hell I practically growled at her

She thanks me for the ride and rushes into her house.

Was I too harsh ?

Nah, Cedric doesn't need this kind of crap on his record.


I'm back............................

With an extra long chapter!

How'd you guys like Noah's POV?


Is Noah going to ignore Jamie from now on?

Is he going to completely ice her out?

But more importantly ......

Is he going to chop off that luscious blonde hair?



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