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2 months ago

Jamie's POV

"I can't believe Luke just cheated on me with the head cheerleader!" I just caught my boyfriend of almost one year now cheating on me but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to cry, to weep and scream at him .To ask him to apologize,by this point I was over it.I was overcome by a feeling of guilt ,Luke was also one of my closest friends.

"Don't you dare take him back J.B, your way too nice for your own good!" said Lily(my best friend)

"Trust me I wasn't even considering it ,but honestly I'm not really upset I just wish we could have broken up first "I sighed

"whaaaa..... you lost me how the frick are you not upset?"

"I don't think dating's my thing .When we first started our relationship Luke was like a really close friend it never felt like I had a boyfriend. I've never  really felt that  connection  with anyone you know,not even Luke  and I don't think I ever will. Guess I should start looking for a cat huh" we both started laughing hysterically.

"But I feel kinda  embarrassed now, if I had put more effort into our relationship than maybe he would've waited until we broke up before hooking up with Brooke"

" J.B remember he cheated on you, it's his damn fault ! " she was screaming at this point

I was happy she was here with me, only she could make this feeling of guilt disappear.

Then my mom came in "Jamie,oh Lily sweetie it's lovely to see you.Your father wants to move to Forks Washington, he says the fresh air  will help him concentrate on his new novel and the company's main branch is located there. We'll be leaving in around 2 months , you'll be attending school there for your junior year " Jamie and I stared at her wide eyed

My mom took this as her cue to exit.

"I'm telling them I'm staying in New York for Junior year"

"Come on Jame this might be what you need , some fresh mountain air ,a small town and who knows may even find your Edward Cullen,you know Forks was the town chosen for the Twilight books"she said with a wink

"Plus if this means your dad's writing a new 'James Black' thriller then I'm all for it... those books are pure gold man" this earned her a smack on the shoulder

"Hey!" she said feigning unbearable pain

"Aren't you supposed to be   begging for me to stay ,some best friend you are"

"I'm your best friend which is why I think this could be good for you , all you need is a change of scenery. Besides, it's the 21st century! we'll video call for hours every single day and we'll keep  visiting  each other often. I'm gonna miss you Jamie but I know how much you love your family and I really think you could find yourself a hot vampire boyfriend .I want you to be happy. Plus we'll still be roommates at Harvard and if they don't let us do that then we'll rent an apartment !" 

"You really love me don't you " I said with a smirk

"Yes, yes I do, plus if you see Jacob send me his number" she said winking

We spent the rest of the day watching old movies and eating way too much junk food.

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