Is That Chemistry I See

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I saw Melanie by the cafeteria entrance. I quickly made my way to where she was.

"Hey I was just waiting for you, are you okay? your face is a little red" she commented

"I'm fine I just ran here all the way from A.P English , so it's a little hot"

"You're really going to regret saying that, every drop of sunshine is a blessing in this town.Let's go in,I'm sure Ben and Noah are on their way"

I  am going to sit at the same table as Noah!

Does the universe think  my life is  a joke .

"Oh look there they are " she says pointing towards them.

This cafeteria was much bigger than the one back home and the food here looks edible too.

Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to try the food .I packed a lunch today just to be safe.

'Just puked her guts out' is not a good look on me and I didn't want to risk it on my first day at a new school.

Melanie and I make our way to the table.

"Hey losers, this is Jamie .She's new here and  nice ,so  I asked her to sit with us at lunch today. Don't scare her away!" Melanie warns them

 The brown haired boy seated next to Noah smiles at me

"Hi Jamie , I'm Ben . I'm on the basketball team so you should come and watch with Mel and Beth sometime"

I smiled back at him in response.

"Noah aren't you going to introduce yourself" Melanie scolds

"We've already met "he replies

I narrow my eyes at him but shake my head soon after . One look at those eyes and then I can't look away.

After lunch and a good deal of classes, Melanie and I go to the basketball court to watch the match .

Ben is amazing . He's like Zues on the court shooting the ball like a bolt of lightening.

What ? don't judge me I had a major greek mythology phase in sixth grade.

Noah was sitting near us ,eyes focused on the game.

I turned to look at Melanie ,there was something in her eyes I couldn't decipher.

Was is admiration,attraction,lust or could it be love?

I followed her line of vision.She was looking at Ben .

When he scored again he waved to Melanie sending her a quick wink.

Is that chemistry I see

I took this opportunity to ask her

"Are you guys dating, you know you and Ben?"

"Oh no we're just childhood friends"

"But you like him don't you?"

All she did was laugh in response, why is she laughing?

"How old are you Jamie , it doesn't work like that. It's .....................complicated"

The game ended soon

" How was  today's game?" Ben asked

"Your aim has definitely improved since the last game"Noah replies

"Jamie do you have a ride back? I would offer to take you but I have to go to my aunt's house"Melanie says while looking at Ben .She has that look again.

"Yeah I have to go to the uhhhh library ,sorry "Ben says hastily Melanie bites her lip in response

What's going on between them?

"You can come with me ,you live in Rosewood right?"Noah offers

"Yeah, thanks"

Great , I'm alone in a car with Noah Angel boy Williams.

Hormones please don't embarrass me.



What do you guys think of Ben?

What's going on between Melanie and Ben?

And who the frick is Beth?


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