Is He An Angel Or Poseidon Himself?

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Finally, I found the stupid Natatorum.

Why can't these rich people just call it an indoor pool.

I pushed the door opened and quietly sneaked in.


Class starts in 7 minutes, I better hurry!

I don't see anyone here , I take this opportunity to checkout the pool and it definitely does not disappoint.

It's an olympic size pool so clean that the water looks like crystal.

Wait there's someone in the pool, who could possibly be swimming at this time of the day ?

The  guy came out of the pool his back facing me.

I recognise those shoulders and that back .....

The mystery swimmer takes off his navy blue cap and swimming goggles and shakes his head making his dirty blonde or actually almost brown hair move . It was like a scene from a movie. The part where the extremely hot guy is  moving in  slow motion.

I finally found him, my angel. He's so beautiful.

He turns around to face me .

I can't help but gasp or should I say swoon.

With all that water dripping down is torso he looks more like Poseidon.

Is he an angel or Poseidon himself?

"Only swim team members are allowed to come to the pool without the coach or a member supervising them" he said in cold voice as if he were scolding me.

Woah woah woah , he may be hot and I might have a small crush on him.

But no one takes out their anger on .

I am no pushover!

He's scowling at me now.

I give him my most confident look , raising one of my eyebrows.

"I'm looking for Noah Williams, I have his art bag. Cedric sent me here so that Noah wouldn't miss his bag too much" I replied showing him the bag.

Poseidon looks offended ............

"That would be me ,thank you .And yes I did miss my art bag a lot"he said taking the art bag from me .He's smirking now. I don't get it ,how can such a beautiful and talented person have such a confusing personality.

Poseidon has a nose ring .

I'm not a big fan of piercings, but on him the nose ring looks perfect.

"Do you know where the A.P English class is ? " I asked

"Yeah, I have that next period which  starts in...... 3 minutes we better hurry " he replies

He's already changed out of his swim gear into regular casual clothing 

How did he change so fast and still look so good?

I have got to stop spacing out so often.

I follow him out of the Natatorium and into the hallway.

We practically run to the classroom.

I'm struggling to keep up in this crowded hallway.

My angel or I suppose I should call him Noah now and I make it just in time .The bell rings as soon as we enter the classroom.

We are greeted by a tall lady with long brown hair whose called Mrs. Mathews.

She smiles at us.

"Mr. Williams late as usual, you're lucky I'm in a good mood .Go and sit down ,quickly! You must be the new student , please introduce yourself "

"Hi I'm Jamie" 

"Nice to meet you Jamie . You can take that seat in  front of Noah" She replied .

A.P English literally flew by . Mrs Mathews was a great teacher but it was a little hard to concentrate knowing that the  angel I mean Noah was sitting right behind me.I swear I could feel him staring at my head .

Was he staring at me or did I want him to stare at me ?

Aghhhhhh Jamie focus !

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the bell.

Great, lunch!

I can finally go see Melanie and hopefully make some new friends.

Then it hit me

Noah  Fricking Williams is my window buddy , the person who made that beautiful painting ,my angel ,Poseidon!

There goes the calming vibe of my bedroom.

Note to self :remember to close curtains so that Noah can't see you or you can't see him, whatever helps you sleep at night 

I mentally slapped myself , what's wrong with me?
Why do I feel so nervous around this guy? This has to stop I will not lose my sanity over some angelic being.

Still, I can't help but feel a little happy.The guy I've been searching for , I finally found him and he lives right next door.

This is going to be an interesting year 



Jamie finally found her angel , I think we should start calling him Noah now.

What do you think of Noah?

Does he have a girlfriend?

Is he gay?

Will Jamie be crushed by her own feelings?


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