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Chapter 8

The scouting team of Konoha, representing the Five Great Villages are currently at the boarder of Nami no Kuni, nearing the island of the longetivity.

They decided to set a camp on the clearing, since the sun is already down.


"Sakura, Tenten, Ino and the rest of Team 8, set the tents. Sasuke, Neturi and the remaining member of Team 9 gather woods. Hinata, Rock Lee and the last member of Team 10, prepare some snacks and keep guard!" Kakashi commanded.

The new rookie 12 moved out.

Kakashi sat under a tree, while his fellow Jounins approach him.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival. What do you think this mission is all about?" Guy asked.

"Honestly, I think its about Naruto."

"You think so too." Kurenai said.

"But, there's something odd. Why did the other villages teamed up with us to deliver their Treaty proposal to the rumored Lost Kingdom. Especially Iwa and Kumo." the young Sarutobi sighed.

"I don't know too. Besides, let us just pray that Naruto is at the Lost Kingdom, knowing that it's Uzuahio originally. Maybe he came back to his mother's homeland to rebuild it." Guy rose a brow.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Because reports from the spies Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama sent, they were spotted around other villages just roaming around." Kakashi groaned.

"But let us hope not. Because we'll be in deep trouble. Let's just hope that nothing will turn out bad." Kakashi stated, thoughtless.

First thing in the morning, they went back on track. They travelled half day before they reached their destination.

After how many hours of travelling by land and water, they are now standing in a wide desert in the middle of nowhere.

"What is this sensei! All we can see is a ruined village! What we came here for just nothing? We travelled almost two days, we even landed on ships since boats can't go through the enormous whirlpools! Now we're here? On a desert?"screeched Sakura.

"We are here" Asuma responded.

"Here, are you sure sensei?" Neturi spoke for the first time.

"Yes. We are. Hinata please." Kurenai responsed.

"Hai! Byakugan!" she shouted and her eye prowess came alive.

The moment she activated her eyes, all she can see are tracks, footprints leading into the ruined villages, but also the nine sculptures before them.

"Sensei, seems like this place is covered in a genjutsu. But, I can't get through it. And seems like the sculptures are the only way to enter." Hinata informed.

Guy grunted." I see."

Kakashi stepped forward.

"Well here goes nothing" he said as he bit his thumb, sliding his bloody thumb on one of the sculptures mouth, the sculptures started glowing in blue color.

They suddenly step back and put their guard up.

Meanwhile, on the Ankukage's Council office, Naruto and the other's are discussing some matters.

"Naruto. They are here. Kiba's security unit let them in, he said you would like to have fun." Han informed them.

Naruto thought about it for a while.

"Let them in." Kurama responded for him.

"But-" Naruto argued.

"We bijuus wanna have fun." Kokuo joined the conversation.

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