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Chapter 5: Meeting Commence

They are all seated on the meeting room.

Having their ussual talk, when a knight interferred them.

"Lord Jinchuurikis. Sorry for interferring, but someone arrived."

"Thank you. Send them in"


The said guest entered the room, being escorted by the knights.

"Pleasure to meet you. Lord Jinchuurikis and company." A tall guy with violet hair, black eyes, wearing dark clothings with black cloak with a skull symbol, bowed along with the other two with him wearing the same outfit.

"Oh the pleasure's all ours." Naruto smiled.

"We are the Osaki brothers. I am Osaki Nino, the eldest, these are my brothers, Osaki Nante and Osaki Yozu. From the Assassin clan- Osoki clan."

"Please occupy some seats. And let our companions with us introduce themselves." Yagura stated.

The non-jinchuuriki personnel introduced themselves.

"So what's the plan Lord Jinchuurikis?" Zabuza asked.

"First, we must discuss some matters and annoint some officials. We don't need to wait for the others since we inform them before." Yagura stated.

Naruto stood up." From this day forward, this whole kingdom will be known as The Country of Life, Land of Death, Ankugakure, the Hidden Village of Soul."

"An ironic twisted name.." Shikamaru commented.

"Now for the councils, it will be the nine of us, and with some departments." He continued

"But we'll discuss that later. First we must have a symbol on our own, in order to rule this country. Yugito-nii, Fū?"


The seven and two tails jinchuuriki stood infront of them.

"Fū and I had our idea about what our symbol would be. It's a pyramid, with a sun in the middle. And we can add some Uzu markings on both sides." Yugito said.

"Ah just like the meaning of death and life between East and West?" Yozu asked.

"Yes" Fū responded.

"Okay? Anyone? Violation?" Naruto asked.

"None. Naruto-sama" they replied.

Their meeting went on and on. Until some other allies have entered the kingdom, escorted by the kingdom's knight.

Soon, with the other ninjas. They'll appoint leaders and members of each department.


"Tsunadeeee!!! Sarutobi!!!!! Where's Naruto!? I can't sense his chakra! I went to his apartment, he's not there! The training grounds? He's not there? Where is he?" Shouted an nervous Sannin.

"Jiraiya, you see...yesterday, we had a meeting with the council." Tsunade nervously said.

"A meeting! About what?!"

"About Naruto's death." Sarutobi answered.

"So?" Jiraiya sofly asked.

"We have no choice. It's the civilians who decide. We are outnumbered. Naruto also didn't want to tell who his parents were in order to save him!" Tsunadeet out a soft cry. "Sorry. Jiraiya"

That made Jiraiya fall back.

"No! That can't be! I..We made a promise to Minato and Kushina that we will protect their son! I will not spare this village!" He clenched his fist.

"Jiraiya! Calm down! Naruto is fine! It's a prank. Naruto ordered us to" she reassured him, seeing that Jiraiya is really serious.

"That kid." He chuckled.

Tsunade and Hiruzen informed the Toad Sannin everything that happened.

"What is that gaki's plan?"

"We don't know. But one thing is for sure. He'll be back." Sarutobi spoke as he blew his smoke pipe.


Short chap still...



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