Chapter 69

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After an awkward, silence filled dinner the Prince's all excused themselves to bed early, Queen Kate excused herself and Adam to an early bed as well, leaving John, Chuck, and Crowley alone.
John had been shocked immensely upon learning that Crowley was alive, especially with Abaddon's sudden surface to the throne upon the war ending.

The Human King was also more outraged to hear that Abaddon had been the one to have Dean kidnapped, as she felt the young Prince should have been promised to the ruler of Hell.
John had considered that arrangement when Dean was younger having Dean marry Crowley when he came of age, but both Kings had decided it wouldn't be right.
Then, Chuck had come to John proposing when Dean presented as Omega, that when he turned 18 he Marry Michael. John had agreed as it seemed all four Kingdoms were in agreement of this, then Heaven and Hell broke out in war when Crowley's forces advanced on Purgatory.
Now here they three kings were, 2 days before the wedding of Dean and Michael.

"I wanted to talk about the wedding actually." John spoke once the maid refilling their wine departed from them "Some things have come to light and i fear this arrangement may need to be rediscussed." The Human scratched at his beard with a frown.

"And what, needs to be rediscussed?" The demon King crowed, lips quirking into a snake like grin. Hands folding under his chin with a slight tilt of his head, pointed black horns glinting in the low warm light of the chandelier.

"Do tell John, what's the matter with the wedding? Dean and Michael have done a splendid job with planning. It's a beautiful mix of Human and Enochian marital customs." Chuck added eyeing John almost suspiciously

"I feel we should come up with something different. Just sign a treaty or something instead. They're close enough as friends, allies even. Sam is next in line for the throne and has expressed he wants nothing but continued peace among Heaven and Earth. Dean has expressed that Michael feels much the same and I'm willing to work with the boy when he's crowned the day of the wedding." John explained spreading a hand out as he spoke to put emphasis on everything he had just presented.

Anger weaved around the edges of Chuck's scent as the bearded angel looked John in the eyes, his graying feathers ruffled up a bit, hands folding on the table before him
"No. This was the agreement years ago. They are two damn days from being wed we aren't changing it. What brought this about John? Is it because some demon kidnapped the Omega? Or is this you yourself are scared to lose a son to marriage?"

John narrowed his eyes with a small frown
"It has nothing to do with Dean marrying, nor his kidnapping, though torture is a more accurate word for what he was put through." The human ground out trying to keep his own scent relaxed and neutral enough. How Crowley remained so neutral all the time in his demeanor was a mystery John wished in the moment he knew the secret to.

"Then what? What made you suddenly change your mind? Is Dean getting cold feet? That's normal. You yourself experienced it with both Mary and Kate. I with both my wives as well." Chuck rolled his eyes chuckling

"Dean doesn't love Michael." John replied with slumped shoulders

"He will learn to love Michael. It's how these things work. You know this John I Don't underst-"

"He loves someone else and Michael does as well. Chuck can't you see that or are you really that blind?" John growled slammed a fist down on the table to get the Angel to look at him "I have a feeling you know why that is the case already."

"Shut up-" Chuck started but John did not quiet, instead he stood upn hands on the table as he glared at that angel

"You know she was right, and you, you are the one that is scared because you cannot accept the facts! It's fate Chuck. You know that!" John's voice echoed in the empty dining room

Crowley leaned back in his seat looking at the two other Alpha's. Waiting for a response of which he knew Chuck was not happy. Both Chuck and John's scents were sour with rage. Chuck raised his wings in a show of aggression as the Enochian King stood to his feet, John may be taller, but with Chuck's wings up and out he was the much bigger threat
"Do not speak to me that way you are a guest in my home and my kingdom. Tread Lightly old friend or we may have a grander issue!"

"Do not threaten me Chuck, you cannot threaten war over something so stupid as your own fear. Accept what was said and call off the wedding. I cannot put my son through more heartache. If he loved Michael, or could love Michael I would continue to allow it. But he's expressed that it only hurts more people for them to marry. Do not tear your own children apart. Haven't you done that enough? You allowed Raphael to challenge Michael and agreed to allow them a duel. What father lits their sons against eachother?"

Chuck's face was red with anger as John went on.
"I Don't fear anything John Winchester, but you ought to know when to hold your tongue! The right for a duel for the throne is in the law! As for the wedding they can both get over it!"

"You want to obey old ancient laws? That's the biggest bullshit you've ever spoken." John's voice dropped low, a dangerous look in his eyes "If you wanted to obey the law you would've listened to the Witch."

"Get out." Chuck's voice dripped with rage as he raised his wings, fists clenched at his sides "Get out!"

John remained planted where he was standing. Staring at Chuck with a look of defiant anger in his eyes
"Fine. But this discussion is far from over. Understand that, I'm not scared by fate, you shouldn't continue to pull it apart. This of all things should be sign enough according to what Dean has told me, that proves to me that what the Witch said was true." John growled before bidding Crowley a goodnight

"You know he's got a-"

"Enough!" Chuck hissed at Crowley. The demon wasn't phased by the Angel's outburst and simply blinked red eyes at him with a blank expression

"Don't take that tone with me feathers. I told you we should find the Witch. But no. Even with the signs becoming more obvious you can't pull your own judgemental convictions out of your feather arse." The demon stood, bowed, and he to parted to his room.

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