Chapter 17: Her Spirit....

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[A/N: I drew this pic myself :3]

Goldy P.O.V.

After they put (y/n)'s shall on, turned on her night roaming and, left 12 o'clock and I turned into my human form and walk up to (y/n). Her eyes open but, there dull and lifeless. What did Freddy do to you? Out of the corner of my eye, I see the spirit of the child that brings me to life. When the five children a died, they're souls never moved on, they wanted revenge of what the killer did. So, the puppet put their spirits in us, the old animatronics and me. Once they move on, we'll die or if they leave us they'll vanish and we'll still die so, we need them as much as they need us. Since the children need revenge to move on, the spirits are black, only their eyes and teeth are visible. But, even if they want revenge, they're still children. The spirit claims up on the table and looks at (y/n) "Well......this is quite odd, if she were like the new animatronics, she'd be moving." The spirit says, in a playful voice. "Well, Freddy hit her head and now, she's limp." The spirit floats around her and lands in front on me. "That's not the reason. She limp because, the spirit she had left." I grow confused and say, "She not like us, she was made after everyone." The spirit floats above (y/n). "No, she has spirit too but, not like me. I sense the spirit with her is very bright and warm. It reminds me of something but, I can't remember what." So.....she has a spirit, that's why she limp and they can't fix her. But......if it's not one of the spirit of the children then......who? "You know what? I remember what the sense reminds me of. It's reminds me of.......a mother." With that, a spirit like the child but, bigger and white with what looks like a halo and, I can't see her face. "Are you.......Lily's mother?" The spirit nods "yes, I am" I have to ask, "why are you with (y/n)?" The spirit floats closer to me. "I made a promise to myself before I died........that I would always watch over Lily anyway I can......and when my husband has this animatronic made for her, I knew I needed to be with her......and this was the only way." I'm somewhat touched by her promise but, I still have one lingering question. "Why happened to you after Freddy hit her?" The spirit sighs, "When he hit her, I took the hit for her, as you can tell form no dent on her head. But, that meant leaving her, which the hit put me in limbo for a while......and making her limp but, I'd was able to come and go when Lily came.......only because of that promise." So that's why.....she's a guardian angel, watching over her child. "But now, I can return to her and watch over Lily." With that, she returns to her as the child returns to me and I wait. I wait for her to walk up......

See you in the next chapter :3

The New Puppet (Goldy series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now