Chapter 16: The Secret Behind Her.....

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Goldy's P.O.V.

After Freddy hit the back of (y/n)'s head, she didn't walk up, she wasn't died but, when 5:50 came around, I had no choice but, to hook her back up, even though she still wasn't awake. I thought maybe if her programming reboots, everything would go back to normal......but, I was wrong. Unlike the other animatronics, I lost my programming for day mode so I can roam freely wherever and whenever I want. So, I could go to a part of the ceiling, where no one can see, to watch if she was back to normal but, she wasn't......she would only come out whenever there was a girls birthday party to give them a flower of their favorite color. But, when ever she came out, she would just......stare.....even after closing, she would just walk around and stare......and she wouldn't say a word. Parents started complaining about their kids getting uncomfortable when they went up to her.......all except one....the very first girl she met the first day she came here. She came about a week after Freddy hit her head and that girl is the only one who (y/n) will act normal with and I have no clue why. But soon enough, the owner had no choice but, the call up the guy who made her to came pick her up but, instead of scraping her and making a new one like, I thought the owner would do but, he asked them to fix her. Which honestly surprised me and the next day, he took her away.....for days.....weeks.......months.......and every now and then, the owner would get a call from him and it would be the same conversation everytime. He would say that he can't find what wrong with her but, she still just stares and suggest that he should just scrap her and just make a new one but, he'd say no. It surprised me that he was so determined to get her fixed. It's not like he didn't have enough money to get a new one because, he does. The owner was able to build this whole building, try to fix the old animatronics and me and, he was able to get the new animatronics plus BB and (y/n). Add all that together, all that cost a fortune and he still has enough to fix (y/n) and more. So why he was so determined to get her fixed, I don't know. That girl, who's name is apparently Lily because, that what the owner called her, came everyday, ever since they took (y/n) away and, ask the owner if she was back yet and, the answer was always no. For the owner to call the girl by her name, means that they know each other personally. how? Again, I don't know. Now, the owner took me out to where the guy fixing (y/n) to, once again, try to get me an endo-skeleton for, god knows what but, it wouldn't happen. I'm forced to stay as a shall because, of........that day........and when they failed to give me a one, they put me in the same room (y/n) is.......and she's taken apart. Her endo-skeleton is sitting on the table and her shall is taken apart. The owner and the guy trying to fix (y/n) ended up talking. The guy looks at the owner, "Say.....why does it look more......human......then the rest of the animatronics and, why can't you just scrap it and I can make you a new one? I mean there's also Balloon Boy but, I know it that he's from a drawing your daughter drew. By the way, how is Lily?" So, Lily is the owner's daughter. "She fine, she with her aunt like always, I can't always bring her to Freddy's." Wait....why can't she stay with her mom? Why her aunt? The owner sighs, "And I'm not scraping need to fix her....." Her? How come he's calling her...her...and not it? "How come? If I may ask." I'd like to know myself. "Well......It was my daughter who wanted her made.......and when she broke, Lily didn't want her being scrapped...." he said, a little sad. "Why? What's so important about it?" The guy said, very confused. The owner got his wallet and pulled out a picture. "Take a look." From what I can see, it's a woman who's identical to (y/n) but.....I know it isn't her.....but......if it's not her then.......who? " is this that, Lily wanted you to ask me to make an animatronic look exactly like her?" The guy said, shocked by the picture. The owner sits on the table, next to (y/n)'s endo-skeleton, looking a little depressed all of a sudden. "She's.......suppose to be her wife....." Wait....WHAT!?!?!?! The guy was just as just as shocked as I was......except, he's also really creeped out. "Wait, I made an animatronic of your wife!?" The owner trys to, somewhat, calm him down, "Look......let me wife, (y/n) died when Lily was 3...." So, that's why she's always with her aunt...... "and.....even though she was really young when she died, she still, somewhat, remembers her and she couldn't stop crying and asking what happened to her.......for a three year old, she was and still is, very smart for her age and......when she was four I had to tell her......I never seen her cry so much.....So, I took her to Freddy's to try and cheer her up which didn't work.......but, she knew I worked there and had someone make all the animatronics so....she ask me to make (y/n) one so, she can see her that was the only way to make Lily happy.....then, so be it.....and, it was her birthday present from see her mom again......" The guy seemed sad for him. "I'm.....I'm sorry.....I didn't know..." The owner holds up a hand. "It's fine.....just.....just please fix her....." The guy nods and they both leave the room. Wow......I never thought that be the reason why he was determined to fix's why she was made........for Lily to be make a child to be happy.......

See you in the next chapter :3

The New Puppet (Goldy series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now