Chapter 2: The Meeting

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[(A/n) old Bonnie won't look like that in human form, I just really like that pic XD.]

Fred(Toy Freddy) wanted a meeting with all the animatronics, not including the new one. The new animatronics, Chick (toy Chica), Bon (Toy Bonnie), Mangle, BB & The Puppet showed up. "What's this all about?" Fred turns to see Freddy and all the old animatronics there, Chica, Bonnie & Foxy. Freddy spoke up again, "Well? What's going on?" Fred says slowly, "we have a new animatronic here." The old animatronics look at each other then back at Fred. "What be their name?" Foxy asked, surprised by the news. "(Y/n), she's really pretty!" Mangle said and his second head nods in agreement. "Where is she?" Bonnie ask, looking around, seeing no signs of the animatronic. Bon points at the closed, red curtain near the stage, "she's in there." Chica starts the walk over there, "let's go meet her!" Freddy grabs her shoulder, "no, let her come on out her own.....remember, she's still new here." Chick quickly says "we might want to go into human form! She is more....." She takes a second to think of the right words, "......human-like than the rest of us." The old animatronics grow confused by her statement. "What do ye mean by 'human-like', las?" Foxy being the first one to speak. Bon continues where Chick left off, "she looks like she's human and a's weird and hard to explain......" The old animatronics get even more confused looking at each other then back at Bon. "Maybe that's why she's not coming out! She did have strings one her arms, legs and her head! Maybe she can't get out!" Chick says pointing at the curtain. "No, the strings are hooked on." BB said, which surprised everyone, seeing how he hasn't talked the whole time. "Yes, looks easy to take off, even a child could do it." Puppet says in agreement to BB's quote. Chick says, in confusion, " come she-" "Don't worry," Freddy cuts her off,  "once her programming kicks in, she'll come out.......till then, we wait." All the animatronics look at the curtain then go on with the rest of the night and wait for the new animatronic to come out.

See ya next chapter :3

The New Puppet (Goldy series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now