In mere minutes he was able to come across a break in the forest of sorts that climbed up on one side next to a rock face where a wide but shallow cave had been formed. But that was not the only thing that caught his attention, what really drew him in was the battle that was happening. Maybe calling it a battle was a bit of a stretch, it was more of a skirmish. Azula, Mai, And Ty Lee were engaged in battle with a group of Combatants dressed in dark Green Gowns, over that they wore Pitch black Gusoko Armor similar to what Fire Nation Samurai of old wore before the invention of thicker full metal Armor back when the Nation was nothing more than a series of Clans. Another surprise was that the Warriors Wielded Single Edged Curved Katana's and War Fans. Both Relics of a bygone age. But what caused him even more surprise than that was that each warrior had their faces painted a pure white, much like the Paint Avatar Kyoshi favored during her time. Drawing himself out of his amazement Sung stopped the Tank and swiftly stood up from his seat and opened the door to the outside. "Stay here girl" Sung said to Siren before stepping out and jumping down to the ground below his feet crunching under dead leaves as he did so. Hearing a battle cry off to his left he turned just in time to see one of the green uniformed warriors charging at him with a Katana over their head in a two handed grip that was the norm for the curved sword. As he drew his Jian from its wooden scabbard he noted the feminine scream confirming his suspicion,  they were all female warriors. The two blades met with such speed he could feel the air off of his attackers movement touch the skin on his face. 

"Don't kill them!" Azula informed him from over his shoulder as she was also busy defending herself as well "I want them all alive!"

"I don't think they share your kindness Princess!" Sung retorted as he flicked his wrist to parry another attack, the woman's blade veering right.

"That's an order Major!" It would make things difficult but not impossible.

The Female warrior took a half step back spreading her legs out slightly as she swung her sword in an upward slanted slash. These warriors were not amateurs when it came to the Art of the blade, she had control over the sword and wasn't just swinging it about absentmindedly. She was good yes...but Sung was better. It was his turn to take a step back letting her sword hit nothing but air. He then reached out with his free hand to grab her shoulder while at the same time he kicked her feet out from under her. Once she was off balance he bent forward and threw her over his shoulders where she fell to the ground behind him, what he had not counted on was that she would hit her head on the metal treads of the tank on her way down making a rather nasty thumping sound that made him cringe ever so slightly. "Sorry!" Sung said out loud as he held a hand over his mouth in shock. For a moment he had thought he had killed her completely by accident until he saw the rise and fall of her chest. With that sudden scare now passing he turned his attention back to the battle.

Two more Warriors, some of the remaining few still in the fight turned their attention to him each holding a sword, but one had a rounded shield in her left hand painted a tan with the Green Emblem of the Earth Kingdom painted over that. He had thought about adding a shield with his own sword fighting, since the Jian had been designed to be used in conjunction with one but that idea quickly flew out the window when he realized he would have to carry twenty more pounds around with him. Letting his impressed surprise falter Sung took the initiative and Swung his sword rapidly to make up for being faced by two opponents, he wasn't about to have a repeat from the North Pole where he let himself get swarmed. The two wisely stopped their charge and went on the defensive. Sung would switch between assaulting the Warrior on the Left then the Warrior on the right as to not give either the chance to counter attack. He controlled his blows as to not accidentally cut them down if he did indeed break their defense. It was tough to fight his instinct to kill his attackers, but it didn't seem to matter as none of his strikes seem to even stagger them as they stood stern and unmoving. It was true what was said about Earth Kingdom women, they were just as strong as their men. He had to admit it would be kind of attractive if they were not trying to kill him. While they didn't move, he did when the Shield user bashed it into his armored chest causing him to stumble backwards with a gasp his recent injury flaring up to remind him he was not a full strength yet, flaying his arms like a man attempting to fly trying to regain his balance. Each used this as a chance to retaliate, thrusting their Katanas towards him at the exact same time.

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