[18] trapped in danger

Start from the beginning

"Whatever, you're so picky. You've been obsessing on him and stalked him for about 2-3 years. When are you going to give up?" Zitao asks.

"Give up? I don't think I am so close to that point. I'm not giving up and I'll never stop until I have him mine. You know what Duda wants, she can get." Duda says with confidence.

"You can have everything but you still don't have my brother for almost 3 years of chasing. That's sad." Zitao laughed, more like mocking her.

Zitao burst into laughter teasing her but immediately stopped when Duda shoot daggers.

"Can you please shut the fuck up Zitao?! I don't like the way you say it." Duda was pissed.

"I'm telling you Duda, you better stop obsessing on Yixing gege. I know him very well and he'll never throw any interests on you." Zitao says.

"Whatever you say. I'm not giving up." Duda insists. She stood up and walked away.

Zitao just laughed at her action. He is already used to it, Duda would walk herself out once she's mad or annoyed but not to the point that she'll ignore Zitao forever. Zitao is already used to her behavior so he just shrugged it away.

After he finished smoking, he drank the remaining on his shot glass before he left the place. He exited the place and immediately drove his car away from the place. He's not really that drunk, he didn't even drink all of it because it might lead him drunk. He needs to refresh himself for a while.

He's on the way to the cemetery and pay his mother a visit. If Zitao could not be seen in a night club, he spends his time on the cemetery for how many hours long. He spends time staying on his mother's grave whenever he feels sad, having a problem or if something really bothers him a lot.

When he reached the cemetery, he walk towards his mother's grave and sit at the edge of it. Zitao gently wiped off the dust that covers the gravestone.

"Hi mother." Zitao let out a deep sigh look up the sky. "I wish you were here to protect me but no. I have to endure this problem by myself because no one is even helping me. Nobody understands me and how I feel. Though there were people whom I called my friends but I can't count on them when it comes to this... I just don't trust them easily."

Zitao is known for his bad ass aura and his intimidating looks but this time, a different Zitao is shown. He's a total different from his tough facial features at this time his soft side came out. He's soft when it comes to his mother because he loves her very much. For him, only his mother gave him the love and importance that he needs. Zitao grew up being stubborn with everybody except for his mom.

"Mom... I missed you... a lot." Zitao is about to tear up but he stops himself from a verge of crying. "You know, things are never going to be the same without you. It's been years but I couldn't keep it. I always miss you, and I'm always longing for you a lot. A lot of things happened when you're already gone and everything has changed. The bond I have with my brothers slowly faded away, we never really get along after you left and I don't think we'll be okay just like the way it used to be. It's impossible now mom, really impossible."

The death of his mom really stuck in his mind that he couldn't even move on, and the conflict between him and his brothers had the worst effect on him. It made him rebellious and formed a trust issue between anyone. Although he only trust Jongdae but he never really opened up everything.

"I'm sorry if I acted this way mom, I just don't know what to do anymore." Zitao lied down the grass while looking at the graveyard of his mom. "It's also been years since dad remarries another woman, and I can't accept her, I don't want her to become my mom. I don't think I can accept having a step-sister either. I don't like her. It's still different compared to when you're still alive."

THE FEUD - JISOO X EXO-M ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now