Annabeth LI

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"Annabeth LI," Leo read. His voice sounded bleak, the boy's face expressionless with only a hint of pain.

The readers sat in grim silence.

Percy swallowed what felt like a lump in his throat, body trembling. Annabeth rested her head on his shoulder, squeezing her dad's college ring.

ANNABETH HAD SEEN SOME STRANGE THINGS BEFORE, but she'd never seen it rain cars. Leo gave a strained grin.

As the roof of the cavern collapsed, sunlight blinded her. She got the briefest glimpse of the Argo II hovering above. It must have used its ballistae to blast a hole straight through the ground.

Chunks of asphalt as big as garage doors tumbled down, along with six or seven Italian cars. One would've crushed the Athena Parthenos, 

Athena winced.

"but the statue's glowing aura acted like a force field, and the car bounced off. Unfortunately, it fell straight toward Annabeth." Leo cringed. Whoops. "Sorry."

Annabeth grimaced, squeezing the ring tighter. It's not the worst thing that's going to happen to me.

Her stomach clenched at the thought. She fought back a shudder.

She jumped to one side, twisting her bad foot. 

Athena and Will grimaced.

Percy, Thalia, and Grover winced.

Annabeth's breath hitched, her hand starting to shake. Gods, what am I going to do with a broken ankle in Tartarus? I'll practically be a sitting duck.

Percy would try to protect her, of course. But with her limited mobility, she'd be holding him back. Future Annabeth could barely stand without her ankle flaring up in pain. He might even have to carry her at some point.

Things just get better and better... Annabeth thought, her shoulders slumped in defeat. 

A wave of agony almost made her pass out, but she flipped on her back in time to see a bright red Fiat 500 slam into Arachne's silk trap, punching through the cavern floor and disappearing with the Chinese Spidercuffs.

Athena couldn't help but feel some grim satisfaction in that.

She deserves it. the goddess thought with a sniff.

As Arachne fell, she screamed like a freight train on a collision course; but her wailing rapidly faded. 

Percy and Annabeth shuddered, imagining themselves in her place.

The demigods around them looked equally uncomfortable. The teens fidgeted or sat stiffly in their chairs, with a haunted glint in their eyes.

All around Annabeth, more chunks of debris slammed through the floor, riddling it with holes.

The Athena Parthenos remained undamaged, though the marble under its pedestal was a starburst of fractures.

Athena winced.

 Annabeth was covered in cobwebs. She trailed strands of leftover spider silk from her arms and legs like the strings of a marionette,

Annabeth felt bile rise to her throat. She gulped, digging her nails into her palm.

but somehow, amazingly, none of the debris had hit her.

Percy's tense posture relaxed to a degree after hearing that.

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