Annabeth I

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A/N: This the second story after Book Cult. In order to understand this 'Reading Mark of Athena' fanfic, you have to read the first one.


Leo yawned widely. Smacking his lips (mostly because it helped him stay awake), he tilted his flashlight over the book and carefully read the words.

Asclepius or Hepius was a hero and Greek god of medicine in ancient Greek mythology. Leo yawned again. He was the son of Apollo and a mortal woman named Coronis, daughter of Phlegyas, king of Lapiths. Eyes fluttering, Leo turned to the next page. 

-The newborn was taken to be raised by Chiron who taught the demigod in medicine and would drive him to become the greatest of healers.

Tiredly frowning, Leo clicked his pen.

Chiron raised this guy? he thought. Does that mean he knows about the potion? Maybe I should talk to him about... He shook his head. No, he'll ask too many questions. Plus he's already worried about the whole time travel thing, I don't need to freak him out by asking him questions on a cure for death.

It seemed like forever since Nemesis sent him back in time and a lot happened after he stumbled into the Olympians' throne room. For starters, he wasn't the only thing Nemesis sent to the Olympians and demigods. He was sent to the past along with three books. One of them recounting his first quest with his best friends, Piper and Jason, and it was written in their point of views.

At first, it had been a nightmare to listen to people he barely knew read his personal thoughts out loud, he even tried to run away at one point, but eventually he learned to tolerate it.

Yeah it still sucked having people to read his personal issues and feelings, but it wasn't so bad when he realized the people reading it were actually pretty cool. Strange, probably crazy (who was he kidding? They were all crazy), but cool. While he still didn't understand Nemesis' motive for sending him back into the past, reading that book and hearing Apollo brag about his son, did give him an idea on how to defeat Gaea once and for all.

It was going to get him killed, there was no avoiding that. But maybe, if he could find this 'cure for death', he could save the world and come back to life. That sounded like a great plan, right?

"If I can find those stupid ingredients." Leo grumbled. He groaned in frustration when he flipped the page and found that the passage on Asclepius was over. 

He slammed The Big Book of all Things Greek and threw it into his growing pile of dead ends. As soon as the book fell into the pile, a cloud of dust floated into the air, causing the son of Hephaestus to have a sneezing attack.

He had spent hours in the Big House attic, searching for any clues on Asclepius and his cure for death, and he didn't even have a lot of time doing research before the others would realize he wasn't in his sleeping bag at the Hephaestus Cabin (it was still too soon to be sleeping in Beckendorf's bed). The demigods would probably freak if they found him missing and he didn't even want to know their reactions if they ever found out why he was in the attic, but he had no choice. This was something he had to do.

Sniffling, Leo rummaged through another bookshelf until he came across a small paperback book. 

Major Accomplishments of Minor Gods, the title read.

At least we're getting somewhere. Leo yawned. He checked the table of context. And it has a chapter on Asclepius too. Which was amazing considering the guy was minor even by minor god standards.  

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