Her nightmares are occurring less and less since Jai's always in her presence.

Every time she goes over to his house, she always stops by his room to see all his photos. 

Specifically to see his father. 

Sahana had this strong feeling of familiarity, ever since she first saw him. 

Sometimes she denies it and forgets about it. 

Sometimes it's the only thing she thinks about.

Jai's nightmares on the other hand have been occurring more often. 

But he never tells Sahana. 

Sometimes when it thunders he doesn't sleep at all.

He doesn't want her to worry about him, when she has her own problems. 

Back then his nightmares were all a blur, leaving him in confusion when he wakes up. 

But now that they're happening more often, tiny details are becoming clearer. 

Jai doesn't know what's going on. 

But one things for sure. 

They are no good feelings behind it.

Jai always asks Sahana for updates on her launch since it's coming very soon. 

He explains and answers all the questions she has about what he does as an investment banker, 

and let me tell ya, 

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