I'm back... ? Kinda...

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Author's note, or more update.

After a long silence from me as far as chapter releases went, I am finally able to write on a more consistent basis, that does mean I need to change a few things about my release schedule.

Among things, the 'schedule' as it is still on my Wattpad profile page, will be removed for the time being and replaced with the relevant information on what series I am actively working on.

At the time that is Sent by the Gods and Rebirth of Fenrir. There will be a chapter for Debugging Another World here and there, but those are more an exception to me actually managing to write for it.

With this in mind, and keeping pressure on myself to a low in my current state of stress from the entire corona problems around the world (and thus my own country getting screwed over by it), along with several changes in my personal life (among things discovering I am transgender) still getting used to my emotion 'returning' to me after years of heavy medications that blocked them all, I have a lot to process when I'm not writing and thus, need my time for it. That means I need to also change the way my Patreon works in combination with Wattpad.

For one, I will remain working on the editing of the volumes that have finished and those will eventually be released as ebooks and hopefully down the line as physical books.

Additionally, the chapter releases will no longer be a full week before Wattpad, instead, they will release the day prior to them going live on Wattpad to keep the planning side of it manageable for me.

The current state of writing is as follows (this will be replacing the 'former' schedule on my profile soon):

Actively writing; Sent by the Gods and Rebirth of Fenrir.

Periodically; Debugging Another World.

Indefinite Hiatus and 'chance' at a chapter; An Elf on Earth, Of Gods and Men, Monster Girl Resort.

For the last few, the ones on indefinite hiatus, I need to add a bit of explanation. These still can see work happen on them whenever I manage to get my ideas out onto paper and make them work. However, the main issue in writing those last three series lies in that I have barely any to no ideas or inspiration for them. That is the reason I have put those on such a back-burner for the time being, still making attempts to get them going again, without pressure that might end up burning me through the fresh, young well of ideas and inspiration I have finally found and thus drawing it dry again right away.

As always, votes, comments and following me are appreciated, as is joining my discord and patreon. I know that in the current state Patreon does not offer much, but the support is wholly welcome. Having seen the influx of comments, and interaction I saw since opening up about the trouble I was going through have really helped me get back into writing when I had to step back and bordered on simply abandoning it for a 'long time' however, I could not stay away and would every now and then attempt to write again. This mostly resulted in sub-par quality for what I release and was often scrapped right away. But finally, I am able to create the quality and types of writing I enjoy to bring you all.

The Rebirth Of Fenrir, Reincarnated As The Ancient WolfWhere stories live. Discover now