VOL.3 [Chapter 9, The concept of MagiTech.]

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[Author's note]

A little bonus chapter we can all thank Patreon itself for. For a for me unknown reason, Patreon had removed a chapter from my scheduled post list well over an hour before it should have gone online and thus, I released another chapter. So at the hands of an unfortunate and weird error between me and Patreon, here is a 'kind of' bonus chapter for you all here on Wattpad

Time to explain my ridiculous concept to my secretary-dash-fiancée!

With Kilnnae sitting behind my desk and me having taken my twenty tomes of unique knowledge to said desk, I looked at her.

"How much do you know of our 'advanced' usage of magic?" I asked her and Kilnnae furrowed her brows as she thought about my question.

I know she is aware of how far we have so far developed our magic in the world of Motis, and that is where I am now pushing the boundaries.

"As far as I'm aware we only use it to cast spells or enchant items, I would guess what you mean with 'advanced' would be the Hero and War grade spells utilized by the most powerful mages around the world." She replied eventually.

Right on the spot! I cheered in thought as I nodded to indicate she was right.

"How do you think this device Dad developed works?" I asked her, taking my pocket watch out and lay it before her.

Since the device was too small to function like our normal clock towers worked, it had to be made in a different way that had not been figured out before he took the idea to a dwarven smithy in the city.

"I would guess it works much like the clock towers we have, but how do you make such small gears to such precision?" She replied.

It was my turn to grin now.

"You don't. Pick it up and see what you can find." I told Kilnnae.

I needed her to have a most basic grasp of this thing to explain my current research to her. It was what inspired me to try this in the first place.

"Hm, I'm not sure. I feel a very faint magic coming from it, but it's not strong enough to be an enchantment. I would guess it's too strong to be your personal magical residue like many people leave on their possessions they carry with them a lot." She replied.

"Wrong, it is an enchantment. But the magic is so faint because it was a new way of applying the magic Dad came up with." I told her grinning.

"This little thing is what inspired me to look into MagiTech and starting the basic development for it. While it uses very precisely made circuitry of thin magic conducting wires, small other components I had to develop for my own research to create functionality magic has not seen before. The idea came from the pocket watches Dad had made for Mom, Pomae, me and himself. They use a small charge of magic to power themselves and accurately keep track of time.

When I talked to Dad about where he got the idea for this thing, I learnt a lot from what he told me and chose to see if I could try and replicate the kind of things that inspired him to make this." I explained.

That was about as much as I could currently explain to Kilnnae about the 'origin' of my MagiTech concept and with it the subject of nineteen of my twenty revolutionizing tomes.

The thing is, when I asked Dad about it, he told me he got the idea from his previous life. They had technology powered by electricity, the same stuff that lightning's made of. But since he soon found when asking around, we had zero means of capturing that power here on Motis, he decided to try and replicate the same functionality for his pocket watch with magic as a replacement.

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