30. The Shirt

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"Did you like the surprise?" Mrs Vettel asked curiously as her eyes remained fixated on mine.

The car suddenly hit a bump in the road and the the four of us bounced a little.

"Careful, Sebastian!" His dad reprimanded.

"Ahh.." I searched back the moments wondering what she was referring to as the 'surprise' because as far as I knew this very evening was planned almost a week ago.

"You know, the fa-" She tried to lay the hint possibly seeing my confused expression but was halted by Seb's sudden call.

I looked up at the rear-view mirror to see Seb sending secret glares towards his mother.

"What? You didn't-It was for today w-" 

"Maa!" She was again interrupted by Seb's another warning call.

"How am I supposed to know w-"

He cut her off again, simply refusing to let her say anything. "Did you like the dinner, mom?" 

"Yes, it was wonderful; thank you for such a lovely evening!" She sighed shaking her head. 

While Norbert chuckled at the unfolding scene, I took a moment to gather how abruptly the conversation changed from her children's childhood endeavours to a yet-to-be-disclosed-surprise. Dinner with Seb's parents wasn't even close to what horrid imaginations I had been brewing for past few days. They didn't talk much but sure as hell knew when to throw a few punches here and there.

By now Seb and his mother had retorted back to their mother tongue so it was completely futile to even attempt to understand anything. 

I freaking need to learn this damn language asap!

Soon enough we pulled up by the entrance of the hotel and like a true gentleman, Seb went around to open the door for his mother. I was too engrossed in observing my chivalrous man I didn't realise that his father had done the same-for me-until he gently tapped on my shoulder bringing me back. 

"Thank you!" I smiled stepping out of the beautiful Audi.

"My pleasure, young lady!" Norbert smiled back before clasping his wife's hand in his.

A warm hand slipped around my waist as I watched Seb's parents quietly making their way into the hotel, leaving us at the entrance and I leaned into his touch. He placed a gentle kiss on my hair before following his parents towards the elevators. My eyes were still on his parents joined hands as they smiled and talked in hushed tones-it was amazing how easily one could see that they were still very much madly in love with each other. It was as if the world around them was there anymore, probably the same feeling when Seb stares into my eyes. Funny how one simple action can stifle such emotions!

The elevator let us to our floor and we bid our goodnight as Seb impatiently pulled me towards our room. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who noticed his eagerness as his father called out.

"Do your activities behind closed doors! And don't be too loud!"

I groaned in embarrassment and hid my face in my hands.

Seb chuckled at me flushed red cheeks as he pulled us into his darkened suite.

"That went well!" I sighed.

"The part where my parents saw my girlfriend for the first time when I was pinning her against the wall and kissing her senseless or the dinner?" He mocked earning a nudge to his ribs in response but he laughed again.

He stopped at the doorway to our room, "Thank you!"

Confused at his words, I turned to him, "For what?"

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