18. The Anger

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A loud bang woke me up the next morning. I looked out the window and it was still a little dark. Wondering what the noise was, I tip-toed out of my room and looked around the lounge area. It was just as we'd left it.

Looking at the beautiful condition of the place who would say two mature adults were staying here. Plates were still on the table, the couch was wrapped up with a blanket, Seb's shoes were lying here and about, cushions were occupying the space on the floor.

I smiled lightly remembering last night. How after a night walk around the hotel we came back to a mouth-watering food, cuddling on the couch and cushion fights, which obviously explained why the cushion feathers were settled on furniture. We slept on quite early considering how I hadn't blinked an eye the night previous to that and also, he had to be in the car today.

"Seb?" I called out but there was no reply. I glanced into his room, but he wasn't in the bed either. "Seb? This isn't funny!"

Again no reply. I called on his cell but he didn't pick up. In that moment, not only was I worried but also annoyed. This was becoming a pattern with him, not responding to my calls and not even leaving a message.

I groaned in frustration and played some music as tidied up the lounge area at least.

Still no sign of Seb. Does he do that often? I wonder how Britta keeps up with him!

I decided to lay down on the couch and rest for a while again since I had nothing better to do.

I woke up to someone angrily grumbling words in an unidentifiable language. I lazily opened my eyes and saw those familiar mop of hair. He was sitting on the floor taking the support of the couch. His back was facing me.

"You should've told me you were going out, blondie!" I smacked his head.

"Ouchh!" My eyes widened in horror. That. Was not Sebastian's voice.

As silly as it would sound, I leaned in a bit to inhale the smell.. No. Definitely. Not. Seb!

I slid out of the couch to face the unknown man. "Who the-" I went dead when I heard someone shout again. But this time the voice was more harsh and angry than before. My gaze turned towards Seb's room.

He was on the phone and angrily pacing around. I had never seen him angry, let alone shout at anyone, even if it was on the phone. I was both surprised and worried for him. What had happened in just a few hours that got him so worked up?

The Seb-look-alike's voice interrupted my thoughts, "So, you're the famous 'Dia'?"

I internally cringed at what he called me. Sure, I should've gone used to 'Dia' by now, but hearing from someone else's mouth.. Well, that is a different story altogether.

"Diana!" I corrected him.

"I'm Antti" He said, stretching out his hand for a form shake.

"Ahh! The personal trainer." He winked. "Just out of curiosity, how famous am I?" I asked eyeing him playfully.

"Just Britta and me, and the-half-of-the-garage famous!" He smirked.

"Ggrrh!" I dropped down on the floor opposite to him.

He laughed at my reaction. "It's inevitable, seeing how Seb is grinning at his phone all the time. Either he's on call with you or texting you." I looked away in embarrassment.

"Plus, you and I have some scores to settle!" This took me aback. But Antti laughed at my expression.

"Apparently, you cooked for him a while ago and since then his complaints about food have increased to like infinity. 'This doesn't taste good', 'this looks like shit' and blah blah." I laughed at this imitation of Seb.

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