Chapter 4 - Revelation

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You've all heard about chaotic gay namjin

Now get ready for functional gay namjin

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"Are there people living on the moon?" asked a delirious six-year-old Namjoon.

His grandfather hummed, carefully changing the bandage that covered the right side of the young boy's head. "None as far as I know. Why'd you ask?"

"I think there are," was Namjoon's dazed answer.

"Perhaps," said his grandfather. He had finished applying the new clean bandages. Only yesterday had the townsfolk found and dragged poor Namjoon from the shore of the river, unconscious with a life-threatening gash spilling blood along his face. Now the boy was currently battling a high fever. Before he could ask any more questions, his grandfather lowered him to his bed, placed a hand on his forehead to check the temperature, and told him to rest.

The next month or so little Kim Namjoon went about asking strange questions about the moon and people who live there. Usually adults would only coo and chalk it up to a child's wild imagination. But back then many sympathized with him, telling him that he must have hit his head really hard, or voiced their concern over a possible brain injury or something of the sort.

Namjoon didn't quite understand what the people around him were saying back then. But he did know that whatever he believed in; it wasn't true. So he stopped thinking it was true, and in time he stopped thinking about it at all.

Perhaps he really did hit his head too hard on the bottom of that river, because years later, he found himself unable to remember the events of the accident. He knew most of what happened from what his grandfather and other people had told him. But his own memories had dissipated. What was left were only fragments and flashes of sight, sound, and pain. Too many holes for him to construct a full recollection.

But there was one vision he could recall, just barely if he focused enough to grasp it;

The sight of the pale white moon's shape, breaking through the waves of the water as he reaches to the surface.

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Now though, as Namjoon stood in the middle of a field under a clear night sky, pieces of it started to return to him. Like opening a dusty book taken from a forgotten shelf.

Cold wind blew through the opening, sending a shiver down Namjoon's spine. It was as if the forest around them had gone completely silent, every rustle of leaves gone, every sound from the critters vanished. All listening to the two of them instead.

Jin's hand went down.

"You're...from the moon," Namjoon reiterated, still dumbfound, still numb. His mind refused to process it at first.

It had gone completely dark, the night at last conquering the day. Moonlight shone down from the cloudy sky, caressing his cheeks. The moonlight- the moon- wait, what?

Dazedly he looked back at the hole- no crater. "Then this..."

"Must have been where I crash landed, yes."

There was white noise buzzing from somewhere, and Namjoon realized that it came from his own head. He was still in shock, feet frozen to the ground. But the cogs in his brain started to catch up. His train of thought went back in line after being horribly derailed.

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