Chapter 3 - Cherry Blossoms in a Field

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Days with Jin were...interesting.

Almost a week had passed since Namjoon's initial homecoming and Jin's entrance into his life. Their days were peaceful. Namjoon found himself falling into an easy rhythm with the stranger - Jin's company was unexpected, but it wasn't unwelcomed either.

Namjoon mostly busied himself sorting through his grandfather's old belongings, which included a small collection of antique vases, some old worn down clothes, and a cabinet full of books. The books especially caught his attention, so he hauled a pile of them out to the table at the living room's table to start reading.

Jin does...whatever it is he does. He spent a lot of time in the garden, observing, poking around. He liked to watch the grass sway in the breeze and brushing his fingers on the hardened barks of old trees. He hummed a distant tune as he circled the bonsai trees that were placed on pedestals, curious eyes content with taking in all the nooks and crannies that the garden has to offer.

Now that's another thing.

Jin, as it turned out, knows seemingly next to nothing when it comes to the nature around him. Ever since they've met, there was always a question or two that Jin has up his sleeve regarding this or that. He asked about simple things that an average person is supposed to learn in kindergarten.

But what's even stranger is the way Namjoon found himself surprisingly content with answering every single one of Jin's questions. Be it about where the river comes and goes, about the shape of the bamboo trees, how the rain washes the earth and the wind carries the weather.

Namjoon always answered those questions with the best of his abilities. He gave long, detailed explanations, and threw in some facts that he knows. And every single time, Jin listened to his winded answers, asking questions every now and then.

Jin is smart - Namjoon realized that pretty early on. The man just...doesn't seem to know about the world around him, hence all the questions and the bright eyes eager to learn. And oddly enough, Namjoon didn't mind it as much, if at all.

So that's how they've been spending their time so far.

At one point Namjoon had asked, or at least tried to ask, about that night when Jin took his hand and- and healed it? Magically whisked it away? What even was that?

But Jin had only shrugged, and their conversation went more less like this;

"How, exactly, did you heal my hand?"

"I don't know. I saw how you were hurt and I acted on instinct."



It felt hazy, Jin had said. He didn't quite know how it came to be either, and casually brushed the topic aside to continue following butterflies around the garden.

Well then, Namjoon thought as he watched Jin wander around the bushes and the trees. Nevermind that you apparently have magical healing abilities. Sure. No big deal or anything.

He decided to ask about it again some time later. In the meantime however, Jin was currently asking him, rather enthusiastically, why butterflies look so beautiful and how many kinds of butterflies there are.

It was one sunny morning when Namjoon found himself immersed in the garden with Jin. Earlier that day, Jin had asked about some of the plants, which inevitably launched both of them to a discussion of all kinds of flora. Which then led them to crouching down to the grass and observing a tiny bright blue flower.

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