"Harald..." I touched his cheek to cut him off. "Of course I'm saddened by this news. It was our child - a part of us." He placed his hand over mine. His mournful expression cut through my heart. "I just - I didn't realize it'd affect you so much." I paused. This was not exactly how I imagined having this conversation, but it seemed I was left with no choice. "Do you want children, Harald?"

"I never thought I did. I assumed children would get in the way of my adventures and goals. Besides, I didn't want them to end up like me. But yesterday, I realized that's changed." Harald dropped his hand and pulled my into his lap. My hands immediately went to his chest while he kept his on my back. "I don't have to worry if I have them with you."

I smiled. "I can see you being an overly protective father who doesn't let the kids do anything. I'll be the fun one."

Harald smirked. "Is that so?"

"Yes, but I don't worry. I'll make sure they know you only do it because you love them so much."

Harald smiled warmly at me. "You do want children then?"

"I don't desire them in general like some women do. I want children with you." My heart sped up at the admission, but it felt right.

"In that case, we can try again as soon as your body has recovered. Allvaldi said it'll take four to six weeks."

I laughed at his sudden enthusiasm. "No need to rush. If it happens, it happens, but it might be better to wait until this whole business with Toki is over."

Harald smiled. "I'll hold you to that, my love."

Feeling a sudden wave of affection for him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his lips to mine. The kiss seemed to invigorate me, and it would have continued if we were not broken apart but a loud cough. I sheepishly looked to the door and saw Allvaldi watching us.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," the healer said.

Harald smirked. "Actually-"

I scrambled off of his lap, which I immediately regretted due to the pain. "It's fine. I'm ready for you now."

Allvaldi nodded. "Good." He gave Harald a sharp look. "You may wait outside. I need to check her wound."

Harald frowned but stood up. "Why? It's nothing I haven't seen before."

Allvaldi did not look impressed. "You'll get in the way. Now shoo!" As soon as he sat on the bed, Ruffrunner got up and yawned.

"Come with me, dragon," Harald said. Ruffrunner hopped to the floor and followed him outside.

"Remove your shirt, please," Allvaldi said once we were alone. I complied, sucking in a sharp breath when he started undoing the bandages. "That man has adopted some crazy ideas. Relying on dragons for help? It's your influence, I suppose."

I smiled weakly. "That's probably right."

"Well, I can't argue with the results." The healer applied an herb mixture to my wound and then wrapped fresh bandaged around my abdomen. "I'll get you something for the pain." He left for a minute and return with an herbal tea. I thanked him as I accepted the drink.

Allvaldi left a little while after that, and Harald returned. The herbs did help with the pain, so I said I was fine with going to see Stormheart. I thought it would be a good idea to understand the situation as soon as possible. Harald kept an arm around me to support me as we walked outside.

It was still dark out, making it impossible to tell the time of day. I really hoped the sun would return soon. We found Stormheart at her throne. She dismissed the pirates she had been talking to and rose when we approached.

Heart of a Berserker: Love (School of Dragons)Where stories live. Discover now