Chapter 29

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Earth: Year 3205
Aircraft to the Military Academy/The Military Academy

Senior Pool:
The difference between day and night isn’t really visible to the eye when one is going to the moon. It’s just something that we as humans sense out of habit. At least I can tell that’s what counts for the Elementals one level below. I on the other hand, adapt quickly to a different rhythm of day. I’ve been working on the moon before so I know how it is.

I don’t sleep through the night on the trip to the moon. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the conversation I just had with my brother and his all too supporting ‘partner’, Master Elemental Storm. It’s not even the fact that they’re really tempted to stab me in my sleep that’s keeping me awake. They both know the downside of killing me off on the same aircraft as the Elemental-students below. They’ll know it’s either the Grand Master or the Master Elemental of Air, and for my brother’s plan to work, that’s the last thing he wants. What I am doing right now however, is preparing myself for what the Military Academy might bring.

I take a deep breath and sit down on the bed. Master Pool, you’re weakening yourself! You should keep your strength for as long as you can! I hear as I lock the voice out for a moment. I’m holding a small crystal-ball in my hand which is slowly dragging out my element from the crystal inside my chest. The reason why it weakens me is because the element inside of me doesn’t reproduce. It can come in big waves of power, but that power will be limited by how much of the crystal you have inside of you. My strength is fading to that of an Elemental as I do this. I don’t plan on surviving whatever the future brings, I plan on them surviving it.

Whatever the future brings, I know I’m not going to survive it. I’m not going to be selfish and keep all the power to myself, brother. I need to make sure that I’m of some use even when I’m not around to guide them. I answer as I sense the ball starting to draw some of the element out. I grit my teeth slightly and try not to make a single sound. I’ve been doing this for the last couple of days. Hopefully I’ve got enough in that crystal ball after this to be of help. I fear this might be the last time I get the chance to draw my element into the small pall in my hand.

They can’t control two elements at the same time, Master Pool. It’s too much strain for either of them! The voice answers as I keep on gritting my teeth a little while longer to block out the pain. After a while, the pain stops, the crystal has done its work for now. It usually doesn’t take that long because no matter how small they are, they have great powers in them, and they can also contain great power. I know one of them will be strong enough when the time comes, brother. The right one will be able to handle it. I know it. I answer as I take a deep breath.

And what if you are wrong? It then asks, but I dismiss it immediately. I’ve never doubted any of them. I don’t see why I should start doubting them now. Their learning curve has been steeper than most. They are not Juniors anymore, they are Elementals and quite powerful ones at that. At the same time they’re not kids anymore either. They’re growing into adulthood, one of the fiercest dimensions of it. They’ve had to grow up and become stronger than ever before because of the life they’ve both led. I’m not wrong, brother. I’ve never doubted any of them before and I’m not going to start now. The right one is strong enough, ask our Master. He will tell you the same thing.

I get up from the bed, slightly dizzy and walk over to the window that I have been ‘blessed’ with. The moon is ahead of us. No matter how close we seem from here, we still have several hours to go before we’re there. The Military Academy is right in front of my very eyes, the place where my brother will constantly be around my students. I remember back to my first session there. The Seniors there are even more ruthless than the ones Breeze and Blaze have already faced.

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