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The sun went down so I started walking home. When I was a couple seconds away from my house when I heard a tiny sound. 'was that a meow?' I thought. I turn and look. There was a black kitten on the ground. "Aww, hi there!" I say while crouching down. It made a small meow. I pet it and it runs against me. It seemed friendly. I pick it up. "You're so soft and warm." I say to the kitten and I look to see if it a boy or girl. "Aw hey there sweet girl!" The kitten was a girl. I hold her in my arms and walk the rest of the way home. I walk to couch and put her down. She walked around and meowed. "Are you hungry?" I asked her in a baby voice. I stand up and walked to the kitchen to get a can of tuna. I heard her meow. I turn and look. She wasn't there anymore. "Kitty?" I ask while walking to the couch. I saw her. She was in the dark corner. I walk over to her to pick her up. But... She disappeared.. "What the fuck..." I whispered. I look around for her. I heard another meow. I turn around so fast. All I saw was a black mist on the ground. "Ok. What the hell." I say out loud spinning around looking on the ground. No kitten. "Uhhh..... Ok... Was I imagining things..?" I ask slowly.. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I was there for half an hour watching TV not thinking of the cat when I heard the meow again. I got so scared I jumped up off the couch. I looked around again. No kitten. I look on the couch. She was sleeping on the couch next to me. "You weren't there before." I say softly. I put my hand on her. She's warm.. and soft.. "Are you a ghost?" I ask her. She looked up at me from the sound of my voice, and it's almost like she smiled. I leaned back on the couch with my hand on her and I smiled. "Hm." I hummed. I was sitting there watching TV then I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to meowing. I open my eyes. I was laying down now with a blanket. My shoes were off and my jacket was on the chair. 'I didn't get a blanket last night..' I think to myself. I look for my phone. I found it and checked the time. 11:00 on the dot. "Wow." I say relieved. "I slept so good last night.." I smile and look for the kitten. I see her in the corner again. It looked like she smiled again. Then, she dissipated into the air. All that was left was a black mist like last night. "Ok.. that was creepy.." I whisper. I heard a sound behind me. I sit up and look behind me. She was sitting on the counter. Just sitting and looking at me. "Ok." I say while standing up. "Why're you here?" I pointed at her. She looked so cute sitting there. She meowed then dissipated again. I heard her meow again behind me. "You're just messing with me, aren't you." I ask her while turning around. The kitten was laying on the back of the couch, looking at me. "What's your name?" I ask her. "Oh wait. Cats can't talk." I say dumbly. "Oh, we can't?" I hear. Not from anywhere in the room, in my mind. It wasn't me. "Hello?" I ask out loud. "Wait, you can hear me?" I hear in my mind again. "Who is that?" I ask crazily. "It's me, the cat." I look at the kitten. She looking at me weirdly. Her voice.. it sounded so... Familiar... And... Pretty.... "You, you can talk?" I ask the kitten with a weird smile. "Y-yeah I guess I can. Is it out loud?" She asks me. "No, I hear it in my mind. Are you a ghost?" I ask her. I hear laughing. "Yes, I'm a ghost. Cats don't just disappear." I hear in my mind. "So, why're you still here if you can disappear? Go be free." I ask her and tell her. "I don't know.. I was trying to, but it wouldn't let me. I feel drawn to you.." I hear. "Huh. Ok." I say while walking I've over to her. "You're my little buddy then." I say with a grin and giggle. "What's your name?" I ask her. "I... I don't remember.... I've forgotten..." I hear. The kitten looked sad. She was sitting now looking at the ground. She dissipated again. "Ok. You've gotta stop doing that." I say out loud with a laugh. "Sorry." She says with a giggle. She doesn't sound like a kitten. Not like a baby. She sounds older than she looks. "Are you an adult cat in a kittens body?" I ask her. She reappears next to me, which scares me. "I guess so. I feel older than I am.." She said while looking around. "Well, I'm-" I was gonna say. "Eddie. I know this already." She said to me. I was amazed. "What.." I ask quietly. "Yeah. They sent me here with your name and everything and told me to find you.." The kitten said to me. "They.? Who's they?" I ask her. She looked at me. "I... I don't know.." She told me obliviously. "Hm." I hummed. I looked at her. She was looking at the ground. "I wanna remember my name..." She says softly in my head. "Me too. I wanna know your name so I don't have to keep calling you kitten." I say with a little giggle at end. I heard a small laugh. "Just call me kitten. That's alright." She said with a slight smile. "Can other people see you or just me?" I ask. "I don't know." Kitten said. "I know I'm used to this.. I have a feeling I am... Like I've done this before.." Kitten told me. I was confused. She's done this before? How. She felt drawn to other people or what? Hmm... "Well, we get to test it out later. I have friends coming over." I told Kitten. She looked at me and smiled. "Alright."

Heellloo! I hope you liked this chapter. I did :). Bye, Love ya!

Strangers..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon