Playful :)

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(Your POV)

I opened my eyes. The window curtains were open and it was bright. I felt hands around me so I smiled. "Eddie?" I ask. I hear him go, "Hmmm...?" Sleepily. I giggle and turn around. Eddie's eyes were closed. He was so cute... You sit up and sit on top of him. Eddie felt you on him and smiled. After a second his eyes opened. You leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back. He looked down. "Do you have your underwear on?" He asked. You blushed. "Uhhh... Yeaaahhh.. for sure." You say with a wink. Eddie smiled sexily and kissed you again. Eddie playfully shoves you off of him and he gets on top of you. "Are you tickleish?" Eddie asked. You blushed and shook your head. "Liar!" He yelled playfully as he pinned you down and tickled you.

(Eddie POV)

Y/N just said she didn't have any underwear on when she was sitting on me. I tried to smile sexily. I pushed her off and got on her and asked her if she was tickleish. She lied so I started tickling her. Y/N's giggles were so cute.. I stopped for a second and let her breathe. I continued and I heard a voice. "Ok, what the fuck." I hear in the hallway. I turn and look. Narrator was standing there with a smirk. Y/N screamed and covered up her legs. "I'm sorry, Y/N." I said while getting off of her. I shove Narrator out of the room and close the door. "Dude!" I yell. "What?" He asked. "She didn't have underwear on." I whispered to him. Narrator smirked and let out a deep chuckle. "You did that?" He asked me. "Dawg, what the hell?" I ask with a giggle in my voice. "How did you even get in?" I ask him seriously. "I took your door knob off." (TikTok meme. Jk. Narrator didn't say that.) "It was unlocked." Narrator told me. "Really?" I ask nervously. "Yeah. I just walked in." He told me. I walk down the stairs and look for anyone that could be hiding. I didn't find anyone and calmed down. "Sorry Narrator." I say to him. "For what?" He asked me. "For snapping at you. I mean, Y/N was literally naked and you were in the doorway, but still." I tell him with a giggle. "I didn't see anything, I promise." Narrator said solemnly. "I didn't even know she didn't have pants on. I couldn't see her legs. You were on them." Narrator said with a laugh. I laughed at him and said, "Yeah. I was just messing around with her." I heard my door open upstairs and footsteps down the stairs. Y/N walked down the steps and scowled at Narrator. "I didn't see anything, Y/N." He told her. "I'm joking." She said with a smile and a laugh. Narrator smiled. Y/N was still wearing my shirt but a pair of her leggings I guess she brought. "You're wearing underwear?" I ask her in a whisper so only she could hear me. She giggled. "Yes Eddie, I am." Y/N whispered. She put her arms around me and hugged. Narrator looked away and said, "Is it alright if the guys come over?" He asked. I nod. "Sure. For any reason?" I ask him. "No. We just wanna hang out and play VR or something." Narrator told me while pulling his phone out. "Alright." I said. "I'm gonna go get ready then." Y/N let go of me and smiled. I ran up the stairs and got ready.

(Narrator POV)

Eddie ran up the stairs as I sat on the couch. Y/N sat next to me and picked up the remote and turned the TV on.

Narrator: Guys, Eddie said yes you can.

Mully: NICE!

Gaege: Alright Bois, let's do this!

Josh: Is Y/N there still? Did they do it?

Eddie: Yes we did. Ok? Why does everyone wanna know? It was fun.

Gaege: OoOoOOoOHhHHhh.

Mully: Awweee.

Josh: Good job Eddie!

Eddie: Why??? Why're you congratulating me on having sex? 😂

Narrator: Ok. Just get here soon? Jeez 😂

I laugh and put my phone down. I look at Y/N. She was looking at the TV waiting. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and looked at the stairwell waiting for Eddie..

(Eddie POV)

I was getting ready when I heard a whoosh. It scared me. "God dang, Kitten." I said. She didn't answer. I turn around and see nothing. "What..?" I say confused. I turn away dismissing the sound. I then heard it again. "Kitten?" I ask out. "Yes Eddie? Sorry. I had technical difficulties." I hear Kitten say with a laugh. I laughed and said, "It's ok. The guys are coming over tonight." I turn and look at her after I put my shirt on. Kitten was laying on my side of the bed. "Its been a while. Aren't you supposed to like grow or something?" I asked her. "Well, I'm a ghost. I don't think ghosts grow up, Eddie. Also, I don't even think I'm originally a cat." Kitten told me while sitting up. "Well you certainly are now." I tell her with a laugh because she was licking her leg. "Yep, I had an itch, and that's how I itch it. With my tongue." Kitten said. I laugh and smile. "Wow. Alright." I say while putting on baggy pants. "Wait, I'm being called somewhere else." Kitten said while dissipating. "But.. what?" I ask. "You didn't even say goodbye.." I say sadly. I walk out of the room and hear, "Bye Eddie." I smile and was happy again. I walk down the stairs and saw Narrator and Y/N sitting together. "What time are they gonna be here?" I ask Narrator. "20 minutes or so. Give or take." He responded. I nod and sit next to Y/N. I put my arm around her. "So, are you guys dating now? Or..?" Narrator asked hesitantly. I gave him a scowl. Y/N looked up at me. "Yeah, I'd say so Narrator." She said quietly. I blush and smile..

Heeelloo! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I did :). Bye, love ya!

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