⚠️ Explaining Kitten⚠️

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(Eddie POV)

I was laying there and Kitten said, "I don't mean to scare you, but I'm just saying, you saved her." She said with a smile. I nod and sit up and scoot back to I'm sitting up straight. "I'm gonna go upstairs with them." I say as I stand up and walk towards the stairs. "Ok, Eddie. Bye." Kitten said. I turn and look. Shes sitting there with her head tilted at me. "Bye Kitten." I tell her as I walk up the stairs. I heard a whoosh and silence. Then I heard yelling and laughing from gaming room. I open the door to see Gaege, Y/an and Josh with the headsets on. Mully and Narrator were sitting on the couch so I joined them. "Why'd you take so long?" Narrator asked me. I looked at him and said, "Do I gotta tell you?" "Sorry." He said to me as he looked back to the TVs. "I'm sorry. It's just if I tell you, you won't believe me." I whisper to him. He looks at me and whispers, "Try me." "Fine. I see this kitten. She doesn't know her name so I just call her Kitten and she answers. She appears and disappears whenever she wants. She's a black little kitten. And, she's a ghost." I whisper to him. Narrator looks at me like I was crazy and his eyes turned normal. He looks away and back to me. "Hm. Cool." He said. "Can she do things?" Narrator asked me. "Wait, you believe me?" I ask him. "Yeah, of course. Why would you lie about something like that?" Narrator asked me. I shrug. (I get that from my mom. She tells me, "if I ever tell you something out of this world possible, please believe me because why would I lie to you guys about something like that?" She's always told my family that and I believe it. Why would you tell someone a lie that is crazy?) "I mean, it's crazy, but I believe you." Narrator told me. "Well to answer your question, I gotta know what you mean. What do you mean by "can she do things?" " I ask him. "Well, I mean, can she bring stuff to you? Can she do things that a cat normally can't do?" He asked me. "Well, if you mean disappear and reappear, then yes. She brought me a blanket once, she's locked my door once." I told him. He looked surprised. "Am I able to see her?" He whispered to me. "No. Only I can see and hear her. We tested it out the first day you came here when I met Y/N. She came to me the night I met Y/N, and I brought her home because she looked just like a regular black kitten." I told him. "The way she talks is weird. I hear her voice in my head instead of out loud. I can speak to her while she's invisible in my head, but if she's like next to me, if I speak out loud, I can still hear her, but it sounds different than it does when she's invisible." I explain. Narrator nods and looks amazed. "Huh." He said. "Huh..." He sat there for 5 minutes of silence just staring at the ground. "Is she here now?" He asks out of no where. "Who?" I ask forgetting what we were talking about. "Kitten?" He asked me. "Ohh. No. I said bye to her before I came up here. Her and I always have to say bye if I want her to leave." I tell him. "Oh." Narrator said as he looked at the ground again. "Also, if I ever need her, all I have to ask out is her name, "Kitten"." I tell him. Narrator looked at me. "Can she just appear out of no where though?" He asked. "Yeah. It's what she did 15 minutes ago." I said to him. He nods and smiled. "Does she show up while you and Y/N have sex?" He whispered. I look at him with a smirk. "We've only had sex twice, so no. I told her not to until after." I whispered with a giggle. Narrator chuckled. "You've only done it twice?" He asks. "Yes, only twice. I'm not sex crazed anymore. With her, it's great. Maybe after tonight we'll do it a third time." I said with a smirk and a laugh. Narrator looked at me with as grin. "You want us to leave?" He asked while looking to the other guys. "No, no." I say with a giggle. "I was joking." Narrator looks at me and smirks. "Sure. If you can resist her." He said jokingly. I blush and look at Y/N. I was watching the way she was moving around with the headset on. She was laughing and joking around with Gaege and Josh. I felt my blood rush to my legs and look at Narrator. "Uh oh. I looked a bit too much." I say to him with a giggle as I felt my lap get tighter. I put my hands over my lap as Narrator started laughing loudly. I nudge him and said "Shhhh!" While giggling. Y/N heard him giggling and took off her headset to look at him. So does Gaege and Josh. All Mully did was lean forward. I grabbed the throw pillows next to me and put on my lap as Y/N looked at me. She giggled and winked at me. Y/N then walked over to me and kissed me. "You excited?" She whispered in my ear which made me tingle. I nodded and she giggled again. "Hm.." she hummed as she walked out of the room. I look at the guys. Their eyes were widened. They all pointed towards the door and whispered, "Go!" I laugh and stand up. "Don't you guys dare fuckin' follow us. And all of you play so you can't hear." I tell them while walking out. They all nodded and saluted. "Roger that!" They all said and laughed. I closed the door to see my bedroom door opened. I walk in to see Y/N already laying down on my bed. Let me just say; she had nothing on. She was laying there waiting for me. I walk in and closed and locked the door. I quickly took my pants off and went to her. I started kissing her as I was rubbing her body.. I kissed her neck which made her moan. "I-is uh.... Are the g-guys.." she started to say as I moved downward. "I made sure they can't hear you.~" I said as I pushed in making her squeal. "G-good." She said in-between her loud moans...

Heeellloooo! First sex scene with the guys literally just across the hall! 😂 I hope you liked this one~ Bye, love ya!

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