You meet the boys

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(Your POV)

I had gotten a text. I look at my phone. It was 3:57 and the text was from Eddie, I assume.

:Is this Y/N?

You: Yes, is this Eddie?

Eddie: Yeah. It's me.

You: Cool. What time is it? You never told me.

Eddie: Around 4:45 you can show up.

You: Alright. I'll be there :)

Eddie: Okay, see you then :)

(Eddie POV)

I had gotten done texting Y/N. I look for Kitten. She wasn't anywhere. "Kitten!" I call out. I hear a whooshing. "Yes?" I hear in my head. The thing about the talking in my head, is if Kitten talks, I never know where she is. I spun around to look for her. She was sitting on the back of the couch looking at me. "Soon I'm gonna have people coming over." I say while walking closer to her. "Hm." She hummed in my head. "They're my friends. The girl that's coming, I met her the day I brought you here. " I told her while petting her. "Is this weird? Me petting you?" I ask her. She shook her head. "No. I don't feel weirded out by it. That's what I'm weirded out by.  I feel as if I've been an animal before..." Kitten told me. "Hm. Well I'm glad you're a cat here because cats are my favorite animal." I tell her with a smile. (Idk if it's really his favorite animal, but for this story it is.) Kitten looked at me. "Keep letting my neck. I like that." Kitten said while pushing herself into my hand. I laugh and say, "You're soft." Kitten looked at me and laughed. "Thanks." She giggled out. I sat on the couch with her in my lap for about half an hour until I got a knock on the door. Kitten kinda gasps and dissipates. I get up confused and answer the door. It was Y/N. She was so pretty. Her hair was in loose curls. She was wearing a light green shirt and a black jacket and black leggings. Her shoes were the same high tops as yesterday. I look at her face. Y/N had a big smile and said, "Hi Eddie." I blushed and said "Hi there." I let her in and showed her around, the door knocked again. I heard Kitten in my head talking. "Can you see me?" Since the voice is everywhere in my head, I didn't know where to look. "Where." I whisper as I walk to the front door. "Nevermind. Answer the door." I obeyed Kitten and opened the door. It was all the guys. Narrator, Mully, Gaege and Josh were all smiling "Ayyyee, Eddie." Josh and Mully said while walking in. Y/N was standing behind me and walked backwards. "Oh, she is pretty." Narrator whispered to me. I scoffed and laughed. "I agree." Gaege said while looking at her up and down. I nudge him. "Whaaatttt?" Gaege said while still looking at her. Y/N was blushing and giggling. Narrator walked over to her and put his arm around her. "You're too short." He said to her. She laughed and said, "Yeah. I am." While looking up to him. Narrator blushed and looked at me. He winked and let go of her. Mully came up to me. "She's cute." He whispered. "You should do the whistle." He told me while looking at me with a smirk. I laughed and blushed. I nudged Josh and Gaege to pay attention. Narrator was looking at me with a smirk. "Aye Mami! *Whistle*." I say to her. "God that was dumb." I tell the guys and I laugh with a red face.

(Your POV)

Eddie had just whistled at me and yelled "Aye Mami." I laughed and blushed and said, "Aye Papi." And laughed. He blushed so red and I did too. All four guys were laughing their asses off. "This is Mully." Eddie said while pointing to the black haired one to his left. "This is Gaege." Eddie told me wrapping his arms around the brown haired boy on his right. "The one who wrapped his arm around you is Narrator." He said with a giggle. Narrator looked at me with a cute smirk and waved. I smile and look to the last one. "So that makes you Josh?" I ask him. He blushed and nodded. I smile and say, "Hi Josh." "Hi Y/N." Josh said. "Do you okay VR?" Gaege questioned me. I widened my eyes. "Uhh, yeah." I say nervously. Gaege looked at Eddie. "You didn't tell us that!" He yelled. "I didn't know!" Eddie pleaded. "Oh." Gaege said. He looked at me and smiled. "Let's go." Gaege and Mully yelled. Eddie looked at me and smiled and walked up the stairs with Narrator and the two others. I stayed behind with Josh. He stood next to me. "So. You've heard of us?" Josh asked me. I look at him. "Yes, I have."I said looking back to the stairs. Josh is just a bit taller than me so I had to look up at him. Josh looked down to me and smiled. I blushed and smiled and said, "Let's go up?" I questioned. Josh nodded. "Yep, let's."

(Eddie POV)

I had one of the headsets on with Narrator and we were playing. Then Mully signed on and he was with us. We were joking around when I felt something rubbing on my legs. I take the headset off for a second to look. All I see is a faint black mist which disappeared as soon as I took of the headset. 'Can you hear me, Kitten?' I ask in my head to see if she can hear me. I heard no response so I gave up. I went back to the game. 'Eddie?' I hear. 'Yes? You can hear me?' I ask. 'I can. Could you see me walking around?' Kitten asked me. 'No..' I say. 'we're you walking around me?' I ask slowly. 'Yes. I was sitting by your feet the whole time downstairs.' Kitten told me. 'Hmm.' I hummed. 'No, I didn't see you, nor hear you.' I tell her. 'Oh, ok. I guess you can only see me when you're alone, but you can hear me now.. I guess you can hear me and talk to me in your head. That's cool.' Kitten said to me with amazement in her voice. 'It is.' I say. "Eddie, wtf are you doing?" Mully asks. I have been standing still for the past couple minutes. "Oh, nothing. I'm sorry." I tell him. "You better be." Mully said jokingly. I laugh and so does he. 'Kitten?' I ask. 'Yes Eddie?' she asks me. 'Are you still by my legs?' I ask her. 'Yes Eddie. I am.' Kitten told me. After a second I felt her rub against me again. I heard a slight purr and I smiled.

Heellooo! I hope you liked this chapter. I did. Kitten is so cute. What do you think Kitten is? An angel in a cats form? A guardian angel? Just a sport watching Eddie? Hmm.. 🤔 Bye, Love ya!

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