Talking with Kitten

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(Your POV)

I got the aspirin bottle and brought it downstairs for the other guys. When I got downstairs, all the guys were eating. "Morning." I told them while putting the bottle down on the table for them. I opened the fridge and got some milk. "Morning Y/N." Gaege said. I turned and smiled at him. He smiled as well and went back to his pancakes. I got a cup of milk and sat at the table. Josh gave me a plate of pancakes. "I made them." Josh said pridefully. I took a bite and my eyes widened. "Wow Josh. These are so fucking good." I said to him amazed. I devoured the pancakes and drank my milk. "Ohhhkaaayyyy... My tummy hurts now." I said softly with a sigh. The guys laughed and I thought about last night... I have forgotten what really happened. I looked at Eddie. The way his eyes were looking at me made me happy. I smiled and blushed at him. He did as well. After a couple seconds went by, I remembered last night.... I kissed Eddie.. I look at him sadly. I guess he knew I remembered. He nodded and smirked. I blushed and smiled again. "So. What do you guys wanna do?" Narrator asked. I thought about it. "I don't know." Josh said. "Ooh, how about a movie or something? I've been wanting to watch the new movie that came out the other day. Is it still showing?" I ask them. Eddie and Gaege pulled out their phones I'm guess to look. They both looked like they were trying so hard to find it before the other. I let out a giggle. "YES ITS STILL SHOWING!" They both yelled while looking at eachother. They both scowled and looked at me. "GREAT!" I yelled back for fun. Everyone laughed and I stood up. "What time does it start?" I ask. "I know this one." Josh said. "4:30." He told me with a smile. "Thank you, Josh." I say happily. I look at Eddie. He was smirking. I remember last night. I look at my shirt. I blushed and said, "Ok, I'm sorry Eddie I was drunk." I tell him with my hand grasping the shirt. "Nope. It's fine. You're cute in my shirt." Eddie said with a wink. I blush and say, "I'm gonna go home and get ready. I will be back after I'm done though. Alright?" I tell Eddie and them. They all nod and smile. I go upstairs and grab my clothes. I put my shoes on and run out of the door.

(Eddie POV)

Y/N just closed the front door. I let out a loud sigh as the guys just laughed at me. "That was fuckin' smooth." Narrator said while giggling. I giggle as well. "Awwwwee, does little Eddie have a crush?" Mully taunted. I look at him. "What the hell do you think? Have you seen her? Damn..." I said while biting my lip. I look at Josh and Gaege. They looked pleased. "What?" I ask. "Oh nothing." Gaege said with a smirk. "You wanna, you know... Don't ya?" Gaege taunted. I give him a death stare. "I'm gonna get ready. You all should too. Go home and get ready and meet back here. Alright?" I tell them while standing up. They all smiled and smirked. I roll my eyes playfully and run up the stairs. I thought about what Gaege had said. 'Do I wanna do that?' I ask myself in my head. I heard a whoosh and a meow. "Omfg Kitten. You scared me." I say while turning to my right. Kitten was sitting on my bed. Right smack in the middle. "I think you do." She told me. "I wanna what?" I ask her. "Have sex with Y/N, don't you?" Kitten asked me. I blush hard and turn away putting on a shirt. "I don't know.." I tell her. "Oh yeah you do." Kitten said while whooshing. She appeared in front of my on my desk. Scared the shit out of me. "God damn Kitten, stop doing that." I tell her jokingly. "Not untill you admit it." She said with a smile in her voice. I thought about it. Do I..? Of course I would. "Fine! I'll admit it. I have thought about it a couple times..." I say nervously. "Hmm... 1.. 2..3...4? Times you thought about it?" Kitten asks me while disappearing again. I laugh. 'Yeah, I suppose.' I thought to her. 'Ok. I'll leave you alone for now, Eddie.' Kitten told me. 'Hey Kitten?' I ask her. 'Yes Eddie?' I heard her respond. 'Do you know why you were sent here for me? Because I don't know why..' I told her. 'I don't know either. All I know is that I've done this before. But, maybe my reason for being here is to help you have sex with Y/N.' Kitten said jokingly. I blush and sigh. 'Bye Kitten.' I told her. 'Bye Eddie.' Kitten said softly before leaving. When she leaves actually, I get a sense of relief. Like being with her relieves me, but I feel more relieved. 'Hm.' I thought. 'Kitten knows how to leave now.' I smiled and finished getting ready. I put on my big Letterman's coat over my shirt and put on jeans and my black and white sneakers. It's the middle of October so its cold. (Idk if it gets cold in October in Australia where this takes place at. :/ xD) I fix my hair to look nicer and I grab my keys and phone and walk down the stairs. I sit in the living room waiting for them all to get back here. I was messing around in my phone when I got a knock on the door. I yelled, "Come in!" While looking at the door. In walked Narrator, Mully and Josh. "We coulda been burglars coming to burgle you." Josh said with a giggle. (I think this was from a movie or something I watched before.... I don't remember...) I laugh and say, "I'm pretty tough you know." I smirk and Narrator closed the door behind Mully. They came into the living room and sat on the couch with me. After a couple minutes the door knocked again. I look at the guys and smile. "Come in!" I yell while looking in Josh's eyes with a smirk. In walked, not Gaege, or Y/N but a random guy. "Ok, what the fuck." I say while standing up. "Oh, sorry." The guy said. "You said to come in, so." He said to me. "We're expecting people, that's why I said that." "Oh." The guy whispered. I look back at Narrator and Mully. They were looking at me anxiously. The guy was looking around carefully. "Can you please leave?" I ask slowly. He looked at me. He didn't look like a druggie or anything. He smiled and said, "Sure thing...." slowly. He turned around slowly and opened the door and left. I run to the door and lock it. "Ok, what the hell was that?" I ask them. "I told you." Josh said with a smile. I laughed for a second. Another knock. My heart dropped. I look through the window and see Y/N and Gaege standing there confused. I unlock the door and open it. "Uh, who just left?" Y/N asked. She had on a thin shirt on which revealed some... Things and a leather jacket with the black ripped jeans from the day I met her.. unless they're another pair. She was wearing a different type of shoes. Black and white high tops, kinda matching me. Her hair was curled again and her make-up made her look even prettier. I stood there looking at eachother. I got nudged in the back. I turn and look. Narrator was giving me a look saying, 'You're staring.' I realized and smiled. I looked to Y/N and let them in. "I thought he was you guys so I yelled come in and in walked that guy." I told them while locking the door again. Narrator and Josh were explaining more. I kept staring at Y/N. The way her body was... I almost made a small moan just bit my lip to shut myself up. Gaege noticed and whispered, "Yeah, I can't help myself either..." While looking at Y/N's bottom half. I smirk. "She's mine." I whisper. Gaege looked at me. "I know, Eddie." He whispered again. That made me smile. I look back at the guys. "It's a quarter past 3, let's start heading to the theater.." I tell them. Y/N turned and looked at me. She smiled which made me bite my lip again. Her smile was hot. I always looked like she was flirty. I unlock the door and walk out with all of the following me. Y/N sat in passengers while I sat in the driver's.

Heeeelloooo! I hope you liked this chapter ;). I did 😂 Bye, love ya!

P.s, this is the longest chapter I've ever done. 1,495 words. :)

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