I can't help it..~

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(Eddie POV)

We were all watching a movie and drinking. Y/N and I were sitting next to eachother. Mully and Josh were sitting on the other couch while Narrator was laying on the ground. Narrator had a beer next to him on the ground. It was close to midnight. I look at Narrator on the ground. His eyes were closed. He looked to be sleeping. I look at Josh and Mully, their eyes are barely staying open. Josh had his beer in his hand while Mully's beer was on the table next to him. "Boys." I whisper to them. Josh looks at me and his eyes closed and opened slowly. "Yeah..?" Josh asked tiredly and slurring. "You two go upstairs and go to sleep. I'm staying down here. Y/N, you go up too." Josh and Mully stood up and tripped a couple times. They were giggling and the ran up the stairs whispering. Y/N was looking at me. She was drunk as well. Her beer was on the coffee table. She smiled at me. "I'm drunk." She whispered. I nod and giggle. "You are." I tell her. I only had two beers so I barely had a buzz. Y/N got really close to me. "You're cute." She said softly. I blush. "Did I say that out loud?" Y/N asked as she put her hand on her mouth as if she was thinking. "Go to sleep in my bed, Y/N." I said to her. She nodded and smiled. Y/N got close to me again. She kissed me! "Hey, Y/N. Just go to sleep." I say softly. I didn't want that kiss to end, but I didn't wanna take advantage. After the kiss, I felt my blood go through my legs and tingle. 'uh oh.' I thought. Y/N blushed and smiled. "I'm gonna go now..." She whispered. "You do that." I say with a nervous smile. I grab the pillow next to me and out it over my lap. I watch Y/N walk away. She kept tripping and giggling. The way her legs moved. "Mmmmm.." I hummed softly sounding like a moan. I stop and lay down. I felt it go down and I calmed down as well. 'Well...' I heard in my head. 'What Kitten.' I ask. I heard a giggle. 'You excited?' I heard her ask with a giggle. 'I was.. but it went down... Y/N just gives me one hard....' I tell Kitten. 'Ok, TMI. I watched the whole thing. Remember? I can't leave?' I laugh slightly. 'But, you left earlier. We still gotta figure out how and why.' I tell Kitten. 'Yeah.. we do. Go to sleep, Eddie. I'll talk to you tomorrow.' Kitten told me. 'Kitten?' I ask. 'Yes Eddie?' Kitten responded. 'Can you get me a blaannkkiieeee???' I ask with a smile. I heard her sigh and a the black mist with a blanket over it floated over. It looked like a little kid on Halloween that wanted to be a ghost. 'That looks funny.' I say slurring. 'Ok. The two beers are getting to me now.' I tell Kitten. I heard her laugh. 'Ya think?' She asked jokingly. I giggled and fell asleep... I woke up to talking. I open my eyes. My head hurt slightly. I heard talking in the kitchen. I look at the ground and Narrator wasn't there anymore. I look around. There's beer bottles everywhere. I put my hands on my face and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I yawn and sit up. I stand up and I felt dizzy. "Whoa.." I said quietly. Everything was staticky. I stood up too fast. The static went away and I walked into the kitchen. Everyone but Y/N was in the kitchen. Josh was making breakfast. "Morning sleepy head." Narrator said. "Hey Eddie." Gaege said while eating his pancakes. "Hey Mully." I say. Mully looked up and smiled. "Hi Eddie." Josh said to me while turned around at the stove. "Is Y/N still sleeping?" I ask them. "I think so. She hasn't came down yet." Narrator told me. I smiled and turned around and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I go to my room and open the door softly. I look at my bed and see Y/N sound asleep. I was about to close the door and leave her when I noticed how she was laying. The way she was sleeping showed her legs sticking out of the blanket to her thighs. I made a very, very slight moan and blush. I noticed her sleeping in the leggings she had the night before, but her shirt... It was mine! I giggle softly and blush. I then close the door. I lean against the door and bite my lip. I felt blood go through my legs and tingle. 'God dammit!' I think. I sit outside my bedroom waiting it out. "So." I hear. I look to my right. Kitten was sitting my the stairwell. "Happen again?" She asked. "Just solve the problem!" Kitten slightly yelled. "I am solving it... I'm waiting for it to go down.. I can't help it..~" I told her while biting my lip still. I heard something from inside my bedroom. "Dissipate, Kitten." I told her. She nodded and dissipated leaving a black mist again. She made a whoosh sound. At that moment Y/N opened my bedroom door. She walked out and went, "Oh god. Eddie! What are you doin?" Y/N said loudly. "Ow." She whispered while holding her head. "I-I'm... Uhhh.. just sitting on the floor you know?" I lie. She nodded and went, "Mm-hmm...." I blushed and she did as well. "Bathroom that way. There's aspirin in the cabinet." I tell Y/N. Watching her walk away reminded me of last night... How she made me hard and how she kissed me. I don't think she remembers kissing me, so I won't tell her unless she remembers, then I will... I heard laughing downstairs and stood up to go down the stairs.

Heeeelloooo! I hope you liked this chapter. I did ;) 😂. Bye, love ya!

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