Meeting you!

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(Eddie POV)

Mully was yelling nonsense at Gaege while Josh, Narrator and I were laughing. "EDDIE!" Gaege yelled. "WHAT PENDEJO?!" I yell back at him. He runs to me. "You needa stop laughin' at me." Gaege says menacingly. I was laughing and stopped slightly. "¡Pero Josh y Narrator también se están riendo! ¿Por qué me dices que pare?" (But, Josh and Narrator are laughing as well! Why're you telling me just to stop?) I yell at him loudly. "What the fuck are you saying?" Gaege said loudly while laughing. I started laughing and said, "I'ma get off and take a walk." I giggled when Gaege said, "I'm watching you.." while he did the pointing eye thing with his green brush hand. I signed off and took my headset off. I grabbed my keys and phone. I leave out the front door. I use my keys to lock the door and I start walking to the park. On my way to the park, I saw this girl. She looked lonely while walking. She had on a grey hoodie and black jeans with tears in them that showed her skin. She had black high tops with blue strings. Her hair was (y/h/c) I walk up to her. "Hi." I say. I guess I startled her because she jumped and turned around. "Oh gosh, you scared me." Her eyes are (y/e/c). Beautiful... "I'm Eddie." I say with a smile. She smiled. "Hi Eddie. I'm Y/N." I smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Y/N." I say half flirty. I started walking expecting her to follow me. Y/N was following me. "So. Are you new here? I haven't seen you before, and I know almost everyone here, since ya know, I'm kinda famous." I say with a grin while looking at her. Her eyes widened. "Yes, I am actually. And, you're famous?! Like how?" She asks me intrigued. I look forward. "I do YouTube with my friends." I tell her grinning. "Really? What's your YouTube name? And your friends?" She asks me happily. "Mine is EddieVR, Mullen's is just Mully, that's what we always call him. Gaege is JuicyFruitSnacks. His nickname is Juicy. Narrator is Your Narrator. And Josh's is JoshDub." I tell her with a happy smile. "Hmm.." Y/N hummed. "What?" I asked. "I think I've heard of you guys before.." she said indecisive. She had a look of confusion. It was cute "Oh cool." I say. We made it to the park and sat on one of the benches closest to us. "Why were you walking?" Y/N asked me with a smile. "We were just making a video. I stopped recording to come on a walk for fun. I do this sometimes. Just a time to myself." I say to her with a smile. I look out to the sun. It's almost setting. I got a notification on my phone. I pull it out and smiled. It was a message from my group chat. That reminds me, I didn't ask her for her number. "Hey, can I have your number?" I ask her slyly. Y/N giggled. "What for?" She asked while looking at me with a pretty smile and squinting. "So I can speak Spanish to ya later." I tell her with a Spanish accent. Y/N blushed and giggled. "Fine." She says with a smile while she took my phone. "Here." Y/N said while giving me my phone back. I give her a sly grin. "Thanks." I tell her. "Ok, but no really. Why'd you want my number?" She asked. "Well, you seem cool, so that's a reason. And also I'm gonna ask the guys I'd I can add you to the group because I think they'd like you." I tell her with a smile. Y/N looked to me and nodded. I pull the group chat back up.

Mully: Wassup guys.

Narrator: Hey Mully.

Josh: Hey. That recording was funny asf guys. 😂

Eddie: Heyyy. I've gotta question for you all.

Gaege: What's up Eddie?

Mully: Yeah?

Eddie: While on my walk, I met this girl.

Narrator: Oooh, a girl?

Josh: Wow, Eddie. Good job.

Gaege: Mine.

Eddie: Oh shut up pendejo's. This girl seems actually really cool. She's nice as hell. She's heard of some of us, and she seems interested in us.

Narrator: Hm. Ok. I wanna meet her.

Mully: Me too!

Gaege: Ight then. Meet up at Eddie's then?

Josh: Sure then. I'm excited

Narrator: I'm excited as well.

Gaege: Same. Is she pretty?

Eddie: Come'on Gaege! Is that all you care about?

Gaege: No.... But is she?

Eddie: ... Yes. She is. She has (y/h/c) hair and (y/h/c) eyes. Very pretty.

Narrator: Hmm.

Gaege: Pretty.

Mully: Yeah. Pretty.

Josh: I'm just happy to meet her.

Eddie: How about tomorrow, my house, around 5:00? And we can have a sleep over?

Narrator: Sure.

Mully: Cool. Ok.

Gaege: A sleep over? Don't mind if I do~

Eddie: Aye dawg, cálmate. Solo se amable. ((Aye dawg, calm down. Just be nice.))

Gaege: I still don't know what you're saying.

Eddie: Ese es el punto. ((That's kinda the point.))

Gaege: Ok. I'll just see you tomorrow. 😂

I press the off button and look at Y/N. She was looking at the sun. Her squints were so cute. "Hey." I say. She looked at me and smiles. "Yeah?" Y/N asks. "Tomorrow the guys and I were thinking of hanging at my house. Do you wanna come and meet them? You can sleep over if you want. You don't have to, but you can. You can sleep in one of the spare rooms." I tell her with a smirk. Y/N nodded "Ok. I may stay." She told me while grinning and blushing. I blushed as well. "Well. I've gotta get home." Y/N said to me with a sorry smile. "That's alright." I say to her while leaning back, planning to stay a bit longer. As she walks away, I watch the way she moves. The way her body looks. "Mmmmm..." I say out quietly so she wouldn't hear me. I felt a tingle go through my legs watching the way her body moved while walking. I looked down to see a dent. I blush and take off my hoodie and put it on my lap. I smile and look back to the sky. It's purple with orange and blue. "So pretty.." I say out loud.

Heellllooo! I hope you like this first chapter of my new book. This book may be a little shorter than my others. They're both 15 chapters, so this one may or may not be shorter. I'm gonna try to do a smutish story? 😂😂 I'm nervous sooo 🤗😂 Ok, bye. Love ya! Also, I didn't get this recommend,but I thought about doing this one. Okie, bye.

Strangers..Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora