Chapter twenty - you might pass by them

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-Let it go, Zuko - Mai told him.

-Yes, Zuzu, let it go - Azula teased him. You got to the Ferris wheel. The ride usually takes 15 minutes to do a full circle. You left your bags and the bunny with Zuko and Mai and got into one of the cabins. It was tricky to get in because the wheel didn't stop spinning or waited for you two. The lights in all of the colours were illuminating Azula's face as she said:

-I'm sorry for bantering with Zuko. 

-Don't worry about it, it happens all the time with my sisters and me.

As you went higher up in the air, the crowd noise got quieter. The view also kept getting better and better, quickly you could see the entire fair. There were so many people rushing around, having fun and looking for what to do and see next. 

-Isn't it weird how all of these people have their own lives, worries and stories we know nothing about? Only sitting here and seeing a wider picture makes me realise how we are all so small and worthless. Like specks of dust in the sunlight - you said after looking at the crowd below you.

-Hey, you're not worthless, nobody is. I guess you're feeling this way because you've never looked at things from this perspective. You looked at them as if everything revolved around you and now something showed you that it's not like that. Everybody thinks like that, if you stood on the Moon you would think that the Earth is going around you, instead of how it is. Nothing really has everything revolving around it though, the Sun is going around something bigger and so on and so on. 

-I know, it's just so amazing. Think; somebody died somewhere, somebody just got married or moved out, right now, and what am I doing? 

-You're here with me, making this the best day of my life! You're more than important. You could spend your whole life worrying about things like this, but what for? Time runs extremely fast and if you don't pay attention, you might pass by them.

-Pass by what?

-Pass by moments you're chasing after. Not notice they happened. Like you didn't notice we are already at the top of the wheel.

You looked around. All of the rides and stands you visited today were now beneath you as if you were looking at a map. Colourful lights were shining from everywhere, kids running around with balloons and their parents running after them while others talked carelessly. It was quiet up there, but you could still hear laughter and music coming somewhere distant. The air smelled like cotton candy, like burnt sugar, you could almost taste it. It was colder too, not as stifling and overwhelming like down there. The wind was blowing, just enough to refresh you from the heat you've been surrounded with the entire day. 

-You also didn't notice how our fingers tangled together - Azula said and you looked down at your hand that held onto Azula's as if you were holding onto for dear life. 

-Right - you quietly said. The rest of the ride you both sat in silence. You thought about how fast time passes when you're with Azula and about how you will have to say goodbye to her in two days which made you sad. When you were at the bottom of the wheel you jumped out and took your things from Mai and Zuko, still in silence. You fell asleep while driving back to the palace and Azula woke you up.

-I'm still kinda scared because of that haunted house - you said while walking through the palace to her room.

-What you're saying is that you want to sleep in my room tonight?

-Yes - you confirmed and Azula giggled and accepted. When you arrived at the floor where Azula's room was, you first went into your room, where you got ready for bed, and then sneaked to her room. You both sat on her bed with only her led lights on.

-I'm so tired so can we just go to sleep right away? - Azula asked you.

-Same, I can't wait to fall asleep. I just want to know, what are we planning for tomorrow?

-I thought about how a museum date could be fun. If you're down, of course.

-Really? Aw, that sounds so cute, let's do it!

-Great! We can go to a gallery or something, but in the morning I have a firebending training. You can train with me as well.


-Okay, let's go to sleep now! - Azula said and turned the lights off. Even tho you were tired, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. You were turning around, countless thoughts were rushing through your mind, but you couldn't focus on just one. The silence was so silent, you could hear your eyelashes hit each other every time you blinked. After fifteen minutes of trying to fall asleep, Azula whispered to you:

-Can you sleep?

-No - you whispered back.

-Me neither. I was so sleepy in the car but I'm just fully awake now.

-Me too. What do we do?

Azula turned the led lights back on.

-Let's have a pillow fight - Azula suggested, now speaking normally.

-Aren't we going to awake someone?

-No one sleeps on this entire floor other than me, so no.

You grabbed a pillow and hit Azula with it so hard, she almost fell off of the bed.

-Oh, okay, so that's how you wanna play this? - she said and threw her pillow at you. The battle went on for some time, but Azula won at the end.

-Are you sleepy yet? - Azula asked you while you were picking the pillows up from the floor.


-Me neither, and it's already midnight. I know it's not that late, but I usually sleep at this time. Okay, so we can make bracelets.


-Yes, I have the pearls, letters and strings back from when I was little. I explicitly remember buying them and thinking how I'm going to make some with Ty Lee or Mai, but we never did.

-I mean that is fun and all, but isn't that a little bit childish? But sure, we c... - you decided to do it for Azula but she covered your mouth in the middle of the sentence. It was quiet again, only now you could hear footsteps from the hallway, getting closer to her bedroom.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now