Chapter fifteen - you'll never start anything

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-Zuko! - Azula said as soon as she realised who said that - you scared me to death!

-No, you scared me. You've been running around the palace causing shenanigans everywhere! - he yelled.

-Calm down Zuzu, we're just having fun - Azula said and the flames in between you two and Zuko grew bigger.

-Put out that fire and leave this place. Now!  - Zuko commanded. Azula rolled her eyes, stood up, clenched her fist and the fire disappeared. She picked up everything she brought there,  jumped off of the platform and helped you get down.

-Thanks Zuko - she said as you both walked out. Azula continued walking somewhere and you followed her without saying a word. She took you to the courtyard of the palace with trees, a pond and a small canopy next to it. Since it was around 11 pm, the yard was lit up by lanterns, the air was fresher there and it was significantly colder than inside. Azula stopped next to one of the trees and took a deep breath. You put your hand on her shoulder and said:

-It's okay, I saw the throne room, isn't that what you wanted?

-It's not about that! He always acts as if he can order me around like I'm a little kid. I'm sick of it! And whenever I get mad I come here. It's like a safe space.

-Yeah, I see why. It's exquisite.

-Wanna see the turtle ducks? - Azula asked you and as you nodded your head she pulled your hand. In the pond, there were around five adorable turtle ducks swimming around. Out of the bag she was still carrying, Azula took out one of the cookies and broke it in half. She gave you one half and threw the other into the pond. All five of the cute ducks gathered around the piece of the cookie and ate it.

-I used to hate this place when I was little, just because my mother liked it. I even hated the turtle ducks. But it grew on me, and now, after the spa, it's my favourite thing in the whole palace - Azula revealed.

-I love it here - you said and threw your half of the cookie into the pond for the turtle ducks. Azula took her phone and put some dreamy, slow song on(eg. Brooklyn baby by L.D.R. or The night we met by L.H.) Azula turned to you, her hair sailing in the wind that seemed to blow in sync with the song. She took one of your hands and spun you around. 

-Now you spin me! - she said so you did. After a couple more spins Azula stopped, stood next to you, still holding your hand, and lead you to do a turn in. Her arm wrapped around you and when you got closer to her she dipped you down. 

-Don't drop me! - you said jokingly as your whole body was held by Azula.

-I'm not that evil - she said and pulled you back so that you're on your own two feet.

-Come on, now I'll dip you! - you suggested and spread your arms around so that she can roll into them. Azula giggled and turned around into a dip. In a second her hands were around your neck as she held onto you. Heaven hit you when you both looked each other in the eyes and she smiled showing her straight, white teeth. You pulled her back up but she left her hands around your neck so you continued holding her waist as you both leaned from left to right. Owls hooted a couple of times before Azula quietly said:

-You'll never start anything, will you?

Just as easily as she said that, Azula stood tiptoe and pulled your head in for a kiss. This time it was even more magical and passionate than the first time. She held your head in place, kissed you like no boy had ever kissed her and as if there was no tomorrow. It felt like fresh, untouched snow, like warm summer rain that falls out of the blue sky and saturates the dry bushes and grass. Your heart was beating fast and the wind blew just a little bit stronger, making the lanterns swing and putting out the fire inside of them. Now, only the stars scattered somewhere high in the sky were lighting up the yard. As Azula's lips departed from yours, you could feel reality kicking back, you started falling back to Earth from the heights of the sky you floated off to. Azula still had her arms on your shoulders as she said:

-We should probably go back inside. It will get really cold here soon.

You both snuck back inside as it was quarter to midnight and she walked you to your room.

-Good night Y/N, dream of me - she whispered.

-Good night Azula - you said back and went into your room. You brushed your teeth, changed into comfortable clothes and fell asleep pretty soon. All the travelling and walking today truly drained your energy.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя