Chapter five - her lips felt like spring

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The sun was setting but you weren't giving up or leaving and it paid off. Far away, on the other end of the beach, you saw silhouettes of four people approaching. You stood up and walked towards them and yes, it was Azula with her friends. They were all dressed pretty elegant, not as if they were going swimming.

-Azula! I just wanted to say that I am sorry! - you spoke as soon as you got close enough to them. You didn't stop, just kept on walking past them, but someone grabbed your wrist and dragged you back. It was Azula and she pulled you so hard, you were face to face with her, your noses almost touched.

-It's okay Y/N, I know what happened - she said looking you in the eyes, just like when you first met her. It was powerful, her looking you in the eyes and making you stutter and not being able to think. She quickly turned to her friends and said: "We'll meet you guys there, I have to talk to her a bit." Mai, Zuko and Ty Lee kept on walking wherever they were going in the first place, and Azula dragged you in the opposite direction.

-What was that all about? - you ask her.

-I know why you acted the way you did last night.

-What? I didn't act any way...

-I know you like me Y/N - Azula said and looked at you, but you couldn't look back at her. The sky was so beautiful cause of the sunset, all of the most lovely shades of red, orange, purple and pink were smudged all over the it. The sun was slowly drowning and disappearing into the ocean, gentle and sparkling waves were hitting the shore making calming, sea noise. But you couldn't focus on all that when Azula knew your secret!

-I don't. I mean you are great but I wouldn't... like be with you... - you tried to lie, but she didn't fall for it.

-I heard what you said... to your friend, last night, on the balcony - she explained, but you didn't say a thing back, so she kept on going - that you like me, a lot? We were waiting for your friend in front of her car, we all heard you from there.

-Oh my God... - you whispered to yourself and covered your mouth with your hand. Azula took that hand and held it while saying: "Calm down, I think I feel the same." Hearing this made you feel so much better, you instantly smiled went to hold Azulas other hand, but she moved it in the other direction.

-No Y/N, you must promise me you won't tell anyone! - she demanded, her hand still in the air and out of your reach.

-Yes, I won't!

-Not even to your closest friends, or my friends! No one!

-No one is going to know, I swear! - you screamed back at her.

-Not even your pet!

-I don't even have a pet! Azula please, trust me - you said calmly. She smiled and allowed you to hold her other hand. Her skin was shining in the sun, not a single imperfection on her face as she looked at the sea behind you.

-I guess you do listen to girl in red huh? - Azula said jokingly.

-I guess you do as well - you chuckled. She slowly got closer to you, not breaking eye contact for a second. "Will she kiss me?" you thought, but before you had time to think about anything else, she did it. Well, it was just a forehead kiss, but you knew you will remember it forever cause her lips felt like spring; like tulips, lilies and daffodils and the feeling of first rays of sunshine on your skin after months of bleak wintertime, in that golden, late-afternoon sunlight. She pulled away after a few seconds and looked you in the eyes.

-Come on, we have to catch the show - she said, and started walking in the same direction the rest of her friends went.

-The show? Oh no, I can't go, I'm not dressed for that! - you refused to go, as you were wearing denim shorts with one of your dads old t-shirts, probably from the 90s, tucked into them.

-I'm not dressed excellent either, let's go! - she said, pulling your hand, but she was dressed very well.

-There is no way - you let go of her hand.

-For me? - she asked and looked you with some puppy dog eyes-expression on her face that made you instantly say yes. Both of you started walking towards the theatre.

-You know, I had this crazy dream last night: you stroke me with a lightning! I mean why did I dream that, you don't even know how to bend lightning. They don't teach us that in public schools - you started talking, but Azula looked away from you, like something was worrying her.

-What is it? - you asked her.

-There is something that I didn't tell you Y/N, and I hope you won't be mad - she finally admitted.

-What? You can tell me anything!

-No... this isn't something stupid, it's part of the reason no one can know about... you know, us - she explained, but the way she used"us" instead of "you and me" was still ringing in your ears.

-Tell me, nothing will change!

-Okay. You know how your friend said that I have the same name as the princess Azula? That's cause... I am her. I am the princess - she said, avoiding eye contact.

-I am startled. I couldn't belive such an amazing and gorgeous girl would even look at me, and now you're telling me you're royalty?

-I just don't want you to like me more cause I am. That's why I didn't tell you at first, I don't want people pretending to like me just to use me!

-Oh, I bet that has happened... a lot. But trust me, I won't use you, I think you are absolutely exceptional, you swiped me off my feet the first time I saw you. Literally, I fell down and started bleeding! - you said and Azula laughed - the point is, you don't have to worry, I liked you before you told me this. And no, my friends won't know about this. Nor will my non-existent pets.

-Thank you - she said quietly, as you kept walking towards the theatre.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora