Chapter seventeen - read this to me

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-Morning Azula. Heard you had some issues with dad - Zuko said when you two entered the dining room.

-Oh, why do you care? - she said annoyed.

-Took you long enough to figure out our dad's a di*k.

-Can we not talk about that... - Azula said uncomfortably.

-Sure. What are you two up to today?

-We'll have a picnic. But since it can't be in the courtyard, we have to go to the town - Azula told him.

-I'm sure it will be just as good. But the town is really crowded and since you're ordering an Uber I'm guessing...

-Yeah? - Azula interrupted Zuko.

-Yeah, well have in mind that there is a bunch of traffic jams all around the city. 

-I know, I know, we have to go like two hours earlier than we normally would - Azula said rolling her eyes. After finishing the breakfast, you went into the kitchen with her, where she told the cooks to make chocolate brownies. While waiting for the lunch, you and Azula talked, took some pictures together and planned picnic outfits. She will wear a red, tablecloth patterned dress with pockets and a bow around her waist. She will also have a red hair scarf on with some gold earrings. You decided to wear loose, ripped jeans with a button-up dress shirt tucked into them. One of the servants called Azula for lunch but when you two walked into the dining room, you noticed how Ozai was there as well. The lunch was indeed awkward and quiet, only when you and Azula were about to leave, Ozai said something for the first time:

-If you're going out, be home by eleven.

-I will - Azula replied and walked out with you. When you got back to Azula's room she stated the plan:

-It's already 3 pm. I'll go find a basket and you go to the kitchen and ask for a blanket, some paper plates and paper cups and bring them here and then go change in your room. I have a speaker, we shouldn't forget to bring it as well. After that, we will put everything into the basket and then pick up the brownies from the kitchen, so that they're hot and soft. I'll also call us an Uber that will pick us up at 4, so just be ready by that time.

-That's so many things to do... Will you have time to do my eyeliner? I want it like yours!

-Maybe. Now go! - Azula said and you went to the kitchen. After you got everything, you took it to Azula's room, but since she wasn't there, you left it on her bed. At a quarter to 4, you were both done with dressing up, doing your makeup and packing everything for the picnic. Since there was no time for your eyeliner, Azula promised you she will do it on the picnic. She put some sunglasses on so that the Uber driver doesn't recognize her. He got to the palace on time.

-Oh, do you live in the palace, young ladies? - he asked when you two got in.

-I wish, we were just walking here - Azula said.

-Yeah, the palace is truly beautiful, but I heard that there is a princess's friend visiting now.

-Really? - you said interested.

-Yes, but I heard that she is actually in a relationship with the prince. It is just gossip, but it sounds realistic.

Azula and you looked at each other and giggled. You knew the ride will be long, but being stuck in traffic congestion for over an hour was way too long. When he finally dropped you off at the park and Azula paid him, you said:

-I almost died of laughter when he told us the rumours... about us!

-It's funny how much you can find out about yourself from other people when you're pretending to be somebody else.

The park was just across the street. Azula spread the blanket on the green grass and took the brownies out of the basket, along with the plates, cups, drinks and the speaker. You two set everything up and, before eating, took some really cute pictures. 

-These brownies are so good! - you said after taking a bite out of one. Azula nodded her head with her mouth full. She connected to the speaker and played another one of her slow songs. 

-Do my eyeliner now - you said and gave her the liquid eyeliner you took from her room. You kept on sitting down while she kneeled to be higher than you and lifted your chin with her finger. She came really close to you, focused on drawing it perfectly. It took her a few tries but in the end, it turned out amazing. 

-Here, read this to me - she said and handed you a poetry book. You started reading as she laid down with her head in your lap. You read her over a dozen poems and she explained how each one of them made her feel. In the corner of your eye, you noticed a couple of poppies growing and remembered the conversation you had with Azula this morning.

-Stay here - you said while getting up - and don't turn around!

You went and picked few of the bright red poppies and brought them to Azula.

-You said you like these.

-Y/N! That so sweet! We can make flower crowns! - Azula said happily. You picked up some more flowers and Azula braided them into a pretty, little flower crown. When she was done, she put it on your head.

-To me, you're so irresisti... - Azula started complimenting you, when she was interrupted by loud barking nearby. You both got quiet, listened and noticed how the barking was getting closer. In a second or two, three large dogs came rushing towards your picnic. Azula and you screamed, grabbed your phones, got up and watched the dogs eat the rest of the brownies, tear Azula's poetry book apart and spread mud and fur all over the blanket. The owner came running after the dogs but it was too late, the picnic was completely ruined.

-I am sorry for this, but this is a public place and you should expect this - the owner said. 

-You and your dogs will pay for this! - Azula screamed and started creating a bolt of lightning.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now