Chapter twenty six - you were longing for it even though you still had it

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It was past noon when one of the servants called Azula and you to lunch. Unusually, no one was in the dining room. You ate in silence, trying to remember as many details about this place. How come you never noticed the patterns on the curtains or the carvings on the columns that held the roof over your head? You never noticed little flames drawn on the forks and knives and spoons, neither the how soft the cushions on the chairs were. Azula derailed your train of thoughts:

-Is everything alright? Do you dislike the pasta?

-No, no, it's not that. It's nothing, really.

Afterwards, you went back to Azula's room through that tunnel, the same one you used on the first day here. Only now it felt so nostalgic, you were longing for it even though you still had it, you were still there. You packed the remaining things such as chargers, shoes, makeup, the bracelets you made with Azula, your hairbrush and hair ties... You were basically ready to go, but there were a couple more hours to kill. Azula sat on the desk in your room, swinging her legs back and forth.

-We should go to the countryside with the bikes. I know it seems rushed, but what else do we do?

-Where is that? And how will we get there?

-It's east from the palace and we can take bikes from the shed. Remember, they were there.

-I mean I'm all for that, as long as we make it back in time.

-We will, I'm sure.

You followed Azula to the royal gardens where she took two bikes out of the shed. You went outside of the palace and drove behind her. Soon, the highway and the city outlines turned into the countryside landscapes with greenery, fields of corn or wheat and cows, sheep and horses far away. Next to one of the meadows covered with tall grass Azula hopped off of her bike, left it laying on the ground and ran into the field. You did the same and realised just how amazing this felt. The blades of grass were stroking your palms as you ran past them, the summertime breeze lifted your hair up and renewed you. Azula stopped running so when you got closer to her, you jumped on her causing you both to fall onto the ground. Laying on your backs, shoulders next to one another, she said:

-This is exactly how I want to spend our last day. Like every other day, not sobbing somewhere in my room. 

-Yeah, that would suck. I'm glad we did this too and I'm glad we did all the other things. I would never do any of that alone, so thank you.

The sky wasn't carrying a single cloud, so at least it won't be raining when you will be saying goodbye, all though that would add to the dramatic effect. You two laid there for some time, just absorbing each others last bits of company, knowing how the doomed hour will soon arrive.

-What time is it? Should we head back? - you asked.

-I dunno, I didn't bring my phone here. But if you feel like it, we can go.

-I don't want to be late - you replied, got up and wiped the dirt from your clothes. The grass stayed bent in the shape of your bodies even when you were both standing up. Azula picked a flower, a glaring, yellow dandelion and put it behind your ear. You both walked back to where you left your bikes and started biking away. Just like Azula described it, it felt like a dream; driving by the countryside, the sun shining in your eyes and melancholily remembering things you said and did. When you got back to the palace, Zuko was already in his car at the front gate. When he noticed you two just joyfully and cluelessly arriving, he stepped out of the car and yelled:

-Where were you? Do you know what time it is? It's quarter past six, you'll be late!

The fear started filling you so you ran to your room as fast as you could, grabbed your suitcase and bags and ran back to the front gate. Azula helped you put everything in the trunk. You placed the last bag on your suitcase and she rested her hand on your shoulder.

-It's crazy, really. I never cry but if I do...

-Oh, Azula! - you said almost crying as well, took her hand and pulled her in for a hug. Zuko ruined the moment with the car horn, meaning that it's time to leave, so you both got in the car. While driving to the bus station, nobody said a thing. You guessed how everyone was occupied with their own thoughts, as this situation wasn't really happy for anyone. The bus station was huge, people dragging their suitcases and bags everywhere, looking for their kids, buying things for their journey, searching for their terminal and bus... it was chaos, overall, and you felt too tired to get into that, but there weren't any other choices. Zuko kept driving, looking for a place to park his car, while Azula went in with you. You visited a shop first, to buy some food and water. After that, you had to find out where your bus is. It wasn't easy, considering moving through the crowd was really slow and it was hard to see and read signs that were showing your way. You managed to find your bus and put your luggage in it and there was still ten minutes left. 

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum