Chapter ten - you have to break up at dusk

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-We need to go back now if we want to arrive home on time - Azula noticed and got up. You agreed, put on your shoes and collected the food that you two didn't eat. You got out of the caves safe, it was easier now. 

-You should come to my house with me, you left your hair clip there - you suggested.

-Oh, yes, I thought I lost it.

While walking back to your house, you and Azula talked about all the things you could do today, considering that this is your last day on Ember Island. It was around 8 am when you got to your house and you were sure Rea wasn't up yet so you suggested to Azula to go inside with you. She did, but as you walked in the living room you were surprised to see that not only Rea was awake, but Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee were also there.

-Just as we thought - Mai said when she saw Azula with you.

-Y/N you scared me. Why didn't you pick up the phone? - Rea asked you.

-It died... why are you all here? - you replied.

-We saw that Azula wasn't home this morning and thought she might be here with you. But you weren't here and we realised what you two did - Ty Lee explained.

-Guys, we just went for a walk and accidentally saw each other - Azula tried to come up with an excuse but none of your friends were buying it.

-I bet you two are in a relationship behind our backs! - Zuko exposed you two. You looked at Azula and she gave you the most concerned look you have ever seen. Why is she so worried about someone finding out about us, you thought.

-Yes, Zuko, we are - she finally said. Zuko stood up and dragged Azula to the other room to tell her something in private. Rea got up as well and told you how she is okay with you being in a relationship, she is just mad that you didn't tell her. Mai and Ty Lee were whispering something and giving you weird looks. The whole situation was overall just awkward and uncomfortable for everyone. When Azula got back from her talk with Zuko she was even more anxious then before.

-We are leaving, now - Zuko said to Mai and Ty Lee the moment he got back with Azula.

-No! - you wept.

-Zuko don't do that. Let us have this one last day. Please - Azula begged him.

-Fine. But you have to break up at dusk, today - Zuko commanded and went away with Mai and Ty Lee.

-What's his issue? - you asked when they left.

-Come to the balcony - Azula replied already at the balcony doors - I wanna talk to you here.

-What is it? - you said as you walked to the balcony. Azula was quiet for a minute, leaning on the balcony fence and thinking about something.

-Come on, you can tell me - you encouraged her.

-But I don't want to tell you, cause when I say it it becomes... true. It becomes a thought in your head and I don't want it to.

-Azula you're overcomplicating this. Spit it out.

-As the Fire Nation princess I mustn't be seen dating someone who is not royalty, let alone marry them. Zuko told me how he overheard my father on the phone one day, talking to someone whos son I am supposed to marry. He is a very powerful bender. It's not just that I don't wanna marry him, I don't wanna marry a man at all, but my father won't care about that. And if he finds out that you and I are romantically involved, he will not want you in the palace.

You weren't saying anything at first, still absorbing all of this you just heard.

-That... that can't be. It's the 21st. century, there is no need for arranged marriages. I think you have to talk to your dad about this, maybe Zuko misheard something - you finally said something.

-He won't want to listen, he never does - Azula said. You could see small flames of anger in her eyes that reminded you of her when she had lost her mind years ago. Just as you were thinking of that, she brought it up:

-I am remembering myself from a couple of years ago, when Mai and Ty Lee betrayed me and my father left me. I feel the same right now, I feel misguided and not supported by anyone. And I hate it, I hate this feeling of sudden violence like I just want to kill someone. 

-It will go away, you only feel it cause of these news.

-It will not Y/N, not until my father changes his mind which he will not. My mental health maybe was good for the last years but I still have tendencies to... nevermind - Azula admitted, almost crying.

-No, you're going to be fine now because you have me! - you said and hugged her.

-Hey, if this is our "last day", what this is not, but if it is, let's make it the best last day ever! - you suggested and Azula smiled and agreed.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें