Chapter four - do you listen to girl in red?

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✦✦✦✦----𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚:

✦English is not my first language so I am really sorry for al the grammatic mistakes I made and will make.

 ✦I don't know how you guys are liking this story so far and if there is something you'd like to change, so feel free to leave some feedback :)

✦Now, back to the story!


You stood up and followed Azula to the balcony.

-Your hair looks really nice - she said, stretching one of your hair locks so it's straight, letting it go and watching it curl back up again.

-Thanks. I was really sad when you guys didn't come.

-We wanted to, really - Azula said leaning her back against the balcony fance.

-I know - you replied looking at the beautiful stars. There wasn't many lights here, so the shiny trail of stars was clearly visible. The warm summer breeze was blowing, just enough to make two front strands of Azula's hair swing. Her outfit was really well put together, a black bralette with a short, pleated, red skirt. Her nails also looked great and so did her hair. She just looked so stunning under that dim and mellow moonlight, you thought, much less mean and angry.

-Do you listen to girl in red, Y/N - Azula asked. You looked at her surprised, she was basically asking if you like girls. Why would she want to know that? Is Rea right, and she is indeed into you? You laughed and asked: "Why do you ask?"

-No reason, just wanted to know!

-Well... do you? - you returned the question.

-I don't know if it's the wine that I drank but I just really need a hug. Right now! - Azula commanded with a serious voice. You looked around confused.

-Me... You want...I don't think...I don't... - you stumbled over your own words.

-Oh come here, fool! - she said, with opened arms. You hugged her and it felt so warm and cozy.

-I wish I had hair like you - she whispered while stroking your head. "I wish some moments lasted forever", you thought. Unfortunatelly, she pulled away soon, and it was that second you realised: I really like this girl, a lot. You looked back at the stars, still feeling her hug, when she asked: "Y/N, what are you thinking about?"

-Nothing, I'm just tired.

-So? What's bothering you?

-Azula, I swear it's nothing! Don't be anno... - you stopped yourself.

-Don't be what!? Annoying? Is that what I am to you!?

-No! No, that is not what I meant to say!

-Goodbye Y/N - she said sadly and walked towards the inside of the house - and thank you a lot.

-Why do I try to flirt by being mean? What is my problem? Why am I so awkward!? - you asked yourself, almost crying. You could hear Azula and her friends saying goodbye to Rea, as it seemed, Meg will drive them to their hotel. 

-Y/N? What happened? - asked Rea, leaning against the door of the balcony.

-I ruined it. I fuc*ed it up okay? - you wanted to explain, but there appeared to be a rock in your throat and tears in your eyes, stopping you from finishing a single sentence.

-With Azula? - Rea asked.

-Yes, Rea, with who else? I just... I like her... so, so much... - you said through tears.

Rea hugged you, explaining how it will be okay and how you will make it up with her. You didn't sleep very well that night. In the morning the door bell woke you up. Still in your pyjamas, you opened it and it was her, Azula!

-Wanna go to the beach? - she asked.

-What? Aren't you mad at me? - you replied, still rubbing your eyes.

-No! I really like you, Y/N! You are so nice and care about me and that's what I value.

-I... I like you, as well! - you said, confused yet so happy that things turned out so well. "What if she asks me to kiss her, I haven't brushed my teeth this morning yet..." you thought.

-Anyways, I just have to kill you now! - Azula told you and looked you dead in the eye.

-What? I thought yo... - you started talking confused as she just told you she has feelings for you, but before you could finish she stroke you with a lightning. You fell on the cold tiles of your front porch, feeling pain in your whole body. 

-I'm sorry my love, it had to end this way - Azula said turning around and walking away.

-Y/N! Y/N! Is everything okay? - Rea shook you and yelled at you. You were in your bed. It was just an awful dream, thank God!

-What? What happened? - you asked Rea confused.

-You were talking in your sleep and you screamed at one point! Are you okay?

-Yes. It was just a nightmare, don't worry.

-Okay. Go back to sleep now - Rea said and close the door of your room.

-Why would Azula even know how to strike me with a lightning? They don't teach us that in school... - you calmed yourself and went back to sleep. The morning finally, actually came, this time for real. After the breakfast, you rushed to the beach, hoping that Azula would be there and you could apologize to her, but she wasn't there. 

-Meg, what is the hotel adress? - you called Meg so you could visit Azula if she is there.

-Oh I dunno man. I forgot, it was dark and I was tired, sorry - Meg replied.

-Okay, forget it.

-Is it cause of um... Azul...a?

-What? Who told you that? - you asked nervously.

-I saw you on the balcony? We all did.

-It was just a friendly hug Meg, calm down!

-You are the annoyed one! - Meg said and ended the call. You took a deep breath and put your phone back in your bag. You know you need to talk to Azula, so you did what you had to do; sat on the beach for the entire day. It wouldn't be so bad, if you weren't so alone. Meg and Rea were both in the town, Robbi didn't feel like coming and your sisters were with their friends. The entire morning passed, but nor Azula or anyone from her squad showed up. The sun slowly began to go down, the beach getting emptier and emptier and your hope going away completly.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now