Chapter thirteen - this is all I ever wanted

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To get to the Fire Nation capital where the palace is, you first needed to go the harbour on Ember Island with Zuko's car and then get on a ferry that will transport you to the mainland where the Fire Nation capital is. The ferry was quite nice, it had comfortable, circular seats with tables in the middle. Azula, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee and you sat in one and, even tho you won't be sailing for a long time, you took a Dramamine (a pill used for motion sickness, but also makes you sleepy). Not even five minutes after the ferry left the Ember Island harbour, Azula suggested that you go to the deck of the ship with her. The deck was opened so it was windy and sunny. With both of her hands on the fence that was wrapping the entire deck, Azula spoke:

-The ocean always amazed me. Like what are all the things hiding in the depths of it? What kinds of dope animals and structures? I guess we'll never know...

-That's kind of why I'm afraid of the open ocean - you admitted.

-You are? I mean yeah, it is scary, but I don't really care cause I don't go to the open ocean.

-So what are we going to do when we get to the palace?

-Well first I'll show you around; your room, my room, the dining room, the gallery and everything.

-Won't I sleep in the same room as you?

-No silly, there is plenty of rooms! And also we do not want to make it suspicious. We are just friends, remember that. Anyways, after that, we can go to the spa or, if there is nobody there, to the throne room.

-That sounds like a place we aren't supposed to go to.

-You're right, but so what? No one will see us, it will be okay.

-I mean sure, I'd love to see it - you agreed. The ocean reflected a really mesmerizing azure color today, mixed with dazzling, white foam. You gazed off into the limitless skyline, listening to the sound of waves slaming the sides of the boat causing it to lean from one side to the other. The sky was crystal clear with no clouds and the ocean was sparkling under the sun. It was a truly sweeping scenery and just as you were enjoying it, Azula asked:

-Have you gotten any sleep last night?

-Not really...

-Me neither! - she said and punched your shoulder.

-Do we go back inside now? It's so hot here.

-Of course, let's go - Azula agreed and went back inside the ship with you. You soon arrived to the mainland. From there, you had to drive for a little bit less than 4 hours. Azula fell asleep with her head on your thighs, so you tried your hardest to stay awake but you fell asleep pretty soon, not only cause you didn't sleep well, but also cause of the Dramamine you took earlier. 

-Y/N. Y/N wake up, come on - Azula told you shaking your arm.

-No... - you replied still not aware of your surroundings. 

-Y/N! We are here! - she continued. You opened your eyes just to realise that really, there was no one in the car and Azula was standing next to one of the rear doors of the car, waiting for you to get out.

-Where's my suitcase? - you asked as you got out of the car and saw that the trunk was empty. Azula started walking towards the exit of the garage.

-The servants took it to your room. God, did you think I'd let you carry that?

-Oh... okay. I can get used to this - you said and Azula giggled, but her smile soon faded as she said:

-It is very important that you leave a good impression on Iroh. He is at the front gates of the palace and we are going there now. Just greet him nicely, introduce yourself. 

-What does my hair look like? 

-It's okay, they don't expect us to look our best, I mean look at me - Azula said as she looked her best as always. At the large gates of the palace you could see around ten people waiting for you two. As you got closer, you realised they are mostly just servants, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee and most importantly, Fire Lord Iroh. 

-Y/N! It is a pleasure to meet you! - Iroh said and shook your hand.

-Fire Lord... - you said awkwardly and bowed. He smiled and said:

-No need to bow my child. You're not worth any less than me. Now, I won't bother you teenagers anymore, I just wanted to say that I hope you have a delightful stay in the palace. And if you need anything, don't be shy to ask! You can always find me in the tea room.

When Iroh left you turned to Azula with a smile and said:

-He was so nice! Why was I so scared? 

-I don't know. Let's go, there is so much you need to see! - Azula replied and pulled you by your wrist. The palace was even bigger than you imagined. The high ceilings gave the hallways and the rooms light and airy feel. The first room Azula showed you was your own with your suitcase already waiting for you inside. It had a king sized bed with a bunch of pillows and red bedding. There was also a large, full-body mirror and floor to ceiling  windows. Through the windows you could see the courtyard. Your room also had a vanity and a wardrobe. There was another pair of doors in your room that lead to your own bathroom. Next up was Azulas room which was just down the hallway, yet still it took you 2 minutes of walking to get to it. Her room was even bigger and had even more things such as pictures of her and her friends on the wall, led lights, plants and vines with fairy lights, bookshelves filled with books and a walk in closet.

-You were right when you said that my house is small... your room is as big as the whole house - you said admiring her room.

-Come on, it gets better! - Azula said and ran to the doorway - I want to show you the dining room, but there is a really cool way to get to it! Grab the flashlight from under the bed and follow me!

You took the flashlight and followed Azula. She walked up to one of the paintings in the hallway and took it off of the wall, revealing a secret passage behind it.

-What kind of scooby doo sh*t is this!? - you said shocked. Azula helped you get inside, jumped in all by herself and put the painting back. You turned on the flashlight and lit up the dark you were walking through.

-When I was little, I discovered these while playing hide and seek with my friends. They'd all always lose. I mean, how could they possibly find me in here. It got to the point when no one wanted to play anymore cause I was winning everytime - Azula explained.

-I am just amazed. Like this is the best thing ever! - just as you said that the flashlight turned off. You hit it a couple of times but the batteries were certainly dead.

-Don't worry, I know these hallways by heart! - Azula calmed you down.

-Great. This is all I ever wanted - you said sarcastically. Azula somehow took your hand in dark and said:

-It is what I always wanted.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now