Chapter two - beautiful in every form and season

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The scar guy gave you a wet cloth to wipe your nose and hands with.

-Thank you a lot, I don't think I'd make it to the house! - you said.

-Oh you live here? - he asked.

-We all do! Are you here to visit someone? - asked Meg.

-Not really, we are just taking a break from the city - explained Ty Lee.

-Anyways, we met Ty Lee, and what are your names? - asked Robbi.

-I am Mai, and this is Zuko - one of the girls said and pointed to the guy with a scar. You honestly wanted to ask how he got it but you didn't want to be annoying.

- And the third girl? - you wondered and as you turn around, you were face to face with her.

-I am Azula - she answered, staring into your eyes but it felt as if she was staring at your soul. Her eyes were brown, but the shade of brown that reminded you of mountains, trees and nature, something subtle, but beautiful in every form and season.

-Like uh... previous fire lords daughter? Is her name Azula too? - you continued the conversation trying to avoid eye contact with her, yet she still wasn't looking away from you.

-Yes, it is! I saw her on the tv like half a year ago. She turned out really pretty as well! - Rea informed us.

-No, she is far more gorgeous then me! - Azula explained, finally looking at Rea instead of you.

-And what are your names? - she continued.

-I am Meg, and this is Robbi, Rea and Y/N! - Meg said, pointing at everyone.

-You guys live here? Must be nice... - Mai complimented the island but before you could thank her, Robbi stared complaining about how boring the island really is. You could see Mai rolling her eyes, so you stopped him boring her: "Anyways, are you guys benders? Or fighters, or like both?"

-I am a bender, and so is Azula. These two are not tho - clarified Zuko.

-I bet you are the only bender amongst all of you four! - guessed Azula, looking at you.

-She is! How did you know? - Meg doubtfully asked.

-I know a bender when I see one! - Azula explained.

Then everyone just kinda got quiet. These people seemed chill, maybe a little dull. While scrolling through your Instagram feed, you could feel Azulas stare on you. She is definitely judging you, she seemed like the type to too. All of a sudden Robbi asked Zuko: "What's with the scar tho?"

-OMG Robbi, you can't just ask that! - you yelled at him.

-It's okay, that's far behind me. I was in a battle. But yes, you can't just ask people questions like that, your friend is right - Zuko warned Robbi, to which Azula added: "Of course she is right, look at her!" You looked down at yourself, thinking how maybe there is something wrong with the way you were sitting, causing Azula to mock you, but you didn't see the reason.

-Anyways, do you guys know any bars or clubs we could go to tonight? - Ty Lee broke the awkward silence.

-So you guys don't know what to do tonight, huh? - Rea teased them.

-We don't. But you know around here so? - Mai admitted.

-There are a couple of really good cafe bars in the town center, I can give you directions! - Meg offered.

-Or maybe, you are interested in coming to my dinner party! - you suggested, but immediately regretted it, as all four of them looked at each other holding back and trying not to laugh.

-What? - you said confused.

-I'm not really sure if we know what a dinner party is - Ty Lee revealed.

-Oh, really? Well we will just have a din... - you started explaining but Robbi stopped you laughing and saying: "You don't know! Are from some village? Some dirty hole in the ground? You guys like live under a rock!" Rea told him to shut up and you continued explaining why dinner parties are actually really nice and how they should totally come.

-We will consider it, for sure. Dm me your address Y/N - Azula said.

-I.. I don't have your Instagram - you replied.

-I just followed you, so you do - Azula told with a tiny smile on her face. How did she find your username? I guess she saw it on your phone, but it's still creepy.

-Okay, we'll go home now, we gotta prepare everything for the dinner party - Meg explained standing up and wiping sand off of her legs and back.

-So... see you guys there? - Rea wanted them to confirm.

-We'll see! - Ty Lee yelled after you guys. When you were far enough from them, Rea whispered to you: "Zuko is so cute, like ugh! Wish he was single!"

-Yea, he is okay, I guess - you tried replying but not liking guys doesn't really help.

-Okay but you know who is NOT taken? - Rea said louder and you looked at her confused, but she continued - Azula! Right? Like she was so checking Y/N out!

-No, I don't think... - you tried defending her.

-Yes, she was! Even stalked your insta, jeez! - Meg stated, and Robbi agreed with her: "She likes you, I can tell!"

-I don't even want to listen to you Robbi, you were so unbearable! Why did you act that way!? - you confronted him.

-What? Oh, you mean flirting? Yea, I thought you wouldn't get it - Robbi tried to defend himself.

-No, you were straight up rude dude - Meg said with a serious tone.

-I think Mai definitely liked it. So I won! - Robbi smiled and pointed at him self.

-No. She... she literally has boyfriend. She is not interested in you - Rea explained to him and he just rolled his eyes.

Your house was near the beach so you arrived pretty soon. Robbi and Meg decided to set the table and clean the house a bit, while Rea did your makeup and choose what you will be wearing.

-Okay so this top or this top? - you asked Rea, showing her some of your best shirts.

-I say, Azula as a top! - Rea suggested and laughed while you rolled your eyes and threw both shirts on the floor.

-I really wanna look good Rea. Fu*k it, I admit it, okay? I like Azula, she seemed mean, yes, but still. So will you please stop with the bullsh*t and help me?

-Okay, okay, I will. It was pretty funny tho, admit it!

-Yea, sure! - you said, just to calm her.

-Okay so, why don't I give you one of my favourite dresses huh? It was really expensive, so just take good care of it! - Rea suggested while taking a beautiful, red dress from her suitcase. The dress had spaghetti straps and was long with one cut on each side.

-Why did you even bring that here? No, don't even say it. Just... give it to me, I wanna try it! - you said, excited.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now