Chapter eleven - how powerful you made me feel

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As this was obviously your last day together until who knows when Azula and you decided to go to the city centre and have a fun day there. You grabbed your wallet and car keys and started the car. She sat in the passenger seat and connected her phone to the speaker of the car. It was a really amusing drive, screaming along to the text of your favourite song with wind messing up your hair. It was a moment you know you will look back at and ache for, but at that time you didn't appreciate it enough. It seemed like you arrived quicker than usual. You decided to go to the mall as it was way too hot to be outside.

-Welcome to the "Mall of Ember Island" as some call it - you explained to Azula as you two walked in. It definitely wasn't the biggest mall ever, it barely had any high fashion shops. After walking around for a few minutes, a store with glamorous dresses caught Azulas eye. She pulled you over and showed you one of the dresses in the display window.

-I think how that one - she said pointing at a mahogany red sundress - would fit you perfectly.

-It wouldn't.

-No, you have to try it on!

You rolled your eyes but agreed to just try it on. The saleswoman greeted you nicely and gave you the exact dress from the display to put on. Azula found a long, emerald green dress that she wanted to try on. You were the only costumers in the shop so all the changing rooms were empty. After a couple of minutes of setting and adjusting the dresses to look nice, you both stood outside of the changing rooms and took a look at each other. Azula looked so astounding, the dress fitted her perfectly. It brought up her golden eyes even more and, since it was long-sleeved but off-shoulder, it revealed her perfectly symmetrical and proportional shoulders. It was tight around the waistline so it wrapped around Azulas lithe waist perfectly. From the waist to the floor, the dress was looser and more flowy. Just as you were admiring your girlfriend and thinking how you didn't deserve her nor her beauty, you noticed how she is also looking at you like she is looking at an angel.

-See? I told you you will look like a godess! - she said pointing at you.

-Me? Have you seen yourself? - you pointed back at her.

-Mine is great, yes, but I only have enough money to buy one of them.

-You're not buying me anything - you refused.

-Yes I am, and it's this dress. I want you to have something to remember me.

-And how will you remember me? I didn't buy you anything.

-Yes, but I stayed over at your house and drove in your car...

-I am taking this off right now. We're not buying any of this - you made the decision and went back into the changing room.

-Y/N! - Azula yelled and walked in after you.

-I'm trying to change - you said.

-Look. I know it seems like a waste of money...

-It is. A gigantic waste of money - you interrupted Azula.

-Let me finish. But I am the Fire Nation princess after all, what does this price mean to me? But you will always remember me whenever you wear this dress. Look at how beautiful you look!

-It's not worth it - you still refused to buy it.

-When you put your hair like this - Azula showed you and brushed through your hair with her long nails - and if you... I don't know... add this belt to bring out how elegant your waistline is - Azula continued explaining, pulled a black, thin belt out of nowhere and wrapped around you, pulling your whole body closer to tie it.

-There! - she said when she tied it and turn you around by your hips so you can see yourself in the mirror. With her hands still on your waist, she spoke:

-You have to let me buy this one for you. Please.

-Okay. Thanks.

-No problem! - she exclaimed, happy that you accepted and pulled you closer. Azula exited the changing room to take her dress off and go pay for yours. You couldn't belive that this was your last day with her. You remembered how awfully abandoned you felt when she went away for one day, how are you just supposed to continue living your life when you know she is somewhere out there. Maybe she will need somebody to support her and you won't be there for her. Or she will need a friend to sneak out with and go to some caves, empty petrol stations, beaches or woods and you won't be there. Your sad thoughts were stopped by Azulas silvery voice:

-Come on Y/N, did you change yet?

You left the changing room and gave the cashier the dress that you're buying. After that, you went to the food court with Azula where you two finally ate a cooked meal, instead of chips and crackers.

-Where do we go now? - she asked between bites of pasta.

-Do you wanna go swimming on the beach underneath my house? I know you don't live near a nice, sand beach so...

-We do have pools in the palace tho... but the beach is much more fun!

After you both finished eating you noticed that there is a photobooth next to the exit of the mall so you went in with Azula. You took four pictures, printed one on top of the other. They turned out super cute and you already planned how you will put them on your mirror, next to pictures with all of the other closest friends of yours. After that, you drove back to your house where you changed into swimming suits. The sea was nice and warm so you two immediately started swimming. Around 350ft from the shore there were red buoys, all were connected with a rope, dividing the part of the sea that's safe to swim in from the part that boats drive in. You and Azula sat on the rope and enjoyed how nice the beach really is.

-I will miss you so much - Azula said with a frown.

-This is not the last time we will see each other, even if I had to sneak into the palace just to see you!

-It will be too painful to break up with you and leave you. I just want to drown, right now.

-Azula, please don't say things like that. Everything will be fine at the end, and if it's not, it's not the end.

-That's cute, but it is over. This isn't a movie.

-We can pretend like it is. You make me feel like it is, Azula, you made these last few days of my borning, monotone summer so much better. Why stop now? Don't lose hope so fast. Remember when we just met and you got stuck in the forest? I was so worried that something might happen to you, there are a lot of dangerous animals in there. And I drove as fast as I could to get to you, it felt like a movie. And then when we were on the shore, that night when you taught me lightning bending. God, how powerful you made me feel when the whole sky lit up the cause of me. And how we danced in the kitchen just before that, making cookies. Life can be a movie if you live it that way. And with you, I do. So now, I am ready to do whatever it takes to keep you and I hope you are as well.

Azula looked at you for a second, not saying anything.

-I am. I am! - she repeated.

-I will stand up to my father! For you! - she continued.

-Oh... you don't have to do that, I didn't mean anything... drastic - you withdrew because you do not want to cause a fight between Azula and her dad.

-He never gave me anything anyways. It's time that he gets betrayed now.

Azula x fem reader - We met on Ember Island(ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now