45 Kiara's day out

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Evening at reception

"Hii" One of Sau's cousin approached us "am I dreaming or really its you the one sneaked into our room yesterday?" He questioned Madhu.

"Me? No no.." She shook her head fastly.

"Anyway, I came to say you are so beautiful" He flirted, Madhu blushed.

"Ohhhhhhh" Sara teased in the background.

"Th-Thanks" Madhu said stumbling.

"And you too" He winked at Sara. We three laughing for nothing. And Shaheer joined us.

"What are you laughing for?" He asked us.

"Hi Bro, Am just asking girls for dance" he said. Suddenly the place filled with heat. Yeah, Psycho Turned his Protective mode. I pulled his arm, to reach his ear and said "Don't act like Oldy, they just gonna dance!"

He still didn't convinced, I added " let them, so that we can dance peacefully somewhere"

"Dance?" he asked

"Yeah Chetna arranged the DJ only for us.. comeon" I dragged him to corner of the hall gesturing others to carry on. Sara gratutuously gave me a flying kiss

"Someone finally giving time to me" shaheer smirked

"I always do. I was just avoiding in morning because my boss was there, but..." I put my both the hands around his shoulder, "No one is here to stop us anymore,Lets Dance" I smiled and we started twirling and we called the day with full of blushes and love and... A few hits from Shaheer's dance.

After dance we took break in my room and I want to tell him abt my brother's approval.


I was searching my suprise for kia.. actually 2 suprises.

"I have something for you" I said and made her sit in the bed.

"Shaheer, I need to tell you something. I am trying to tell you from that party night" she started to spoil the vibe,

but I nodded and busy on searching the suprise I bought for her."Yeah Yeah, I am listening tell me"

"You aren't. You are busy searching something" She agitated

"Got it" I screamed when I found.

"Close your eyes" I closed her eyes while she is still hesitant.."Why? Okayyy" she agreed.

"Now" I took my palm and allowed her to see the box

"Saree?" She impressed!!!

"Soo soo beautiful.. elegant"

She loved it! Let me tease her for few seconds

"How it is? Will Durga Aunty like this?," I tried not to laugh seeing her facedrop expression

"What!! Is this for mom???" She almost paled

"Yes" he twinkled my eyes

"Mm Nice.." she said with half evil grin yet cute.

"I was just Joking, Its for you!!" I revealed as she gave me a lil punch, smiling. "Psycho" she cursed.

And suddenly Two nosys popped up to take their break after part of dance. Madhu n Sara grinning at us

"We were just talking" Kia replied to their Mind voices.

And the next second, tried to push me off from the room so that they can explore the gift I gave to her... RIDICULOUS!

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