thirty three

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Haechanie added Junguwu to "Yoobins waist is superior periodted"

Haechanie: so like

Haechanie: Jungwoo is ✨ a w a k e ✨

Junguwu: and was spit on ♡( ◡‿◡ ).

Haechanie: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT😭 ,,,

Hottie: Jungwoo!!

Hottie: are u ok?

Junguwu: my ribs are dislocated,, and I have a broken arm so,,,,i'm good?

Hottie: omg

Winkwonk: what happened back there??

Marker: and where tf is Lucas istg if he's out there masturbating😭😭

Sushi: um rude me was cleaning (・θ・)

Junguwu: Lucas didn't I teach you about these(-‸ლ)

kun: Hi guys!

Sushi: OH WAIT um is it this one (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

kun: bye guys.

Babyboi: wtf was that

Tail: why is that emoticons genuinely terrifying wtf

Junguwu: lucas nooo

Junguwu: it's supposed to be ヾ('ヘ')ノ゙ not (・θ・)

Junguwu: like thats a ducc

Winkwonk: not you ignoring my question😭

Renjunnie: yes we demand explanation !!

Yangyang: like the bruise on my stomach is still here like, can he go already I can't even undress in peace

Hendery: don't worry i'll help u ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yangyang: you can't even undress yourself fuck you mean 😭

Hendery: ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°).

Babychick: stfu lele got stitches 😭😭 my poor babie

dolphin: I'm okay now ji (ノ' з ')ノ❤

Babychick: nooo you shouldn't even be on your phone

Dolphin: bu-but jungwoo hyung is here 🥺🥺🥺

Babychick: and you'll talk to him later, now go to sleep

Dolphin: okay..。゜゜('O') ゜゜。

Renjunnie: ew couples.

nojam: you called?

Nana: well hello there junnie!

Renjunnie: fuck

Haechanie: well renjun's ass, its been nice knowing you

Renjunnie: you bitch chan--

Nana: Huang

Nojam: Renjun.

Renjunnie: ....

Marker: Renjun's ass 2000- 2020 you will be missed.

Renjunnie: aw fuck yall tf😭


Junguwu: well,,,,


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