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Mark was really late.

they promised to meet up at 8-- but this dummy was sleeping until 8:43 p.m 

so when he realized he was late to his first ever friend meeting, he was fucking scared. He did not know these people, so maybe some of them are really keen with time or was really dicisplined in handling time

so being the clumsy ass he was-- he showered for 5 minutes before falling face first when he was trying to put on pants.

there is indeed a bruise on his forehead but let's not forget that he's fucking late and he lived 4 blocks away

oh well, at least he's living dangerously

after 40 minutes late, Mark finally showed up, and the squad is complete

"Damn my mom gives labor earlier than you" It was a funny scene really, with mark being scolded by Taeyong and Kun, saying 'it's important to be on time" and other stuff. None of them really minded mark was late though because at some point, they were late as well

"Well it's nice to meet you, and you're late"
heachan laughs

it was refreshing to meet new people, not that mark was tired of his old friend group but making new friends, and a possible lover excites him

expecially haechan, he was so oddly cute like a fluffy sunny boy that he was ammediately attracted to him. Mark didn't like haechan though, at least not yet. He can't just like heachan just like that, he doesn't even knew the poor fellow, to be frank, he needs to know heachan better because right now, he only knows heachan's age and what he works. He didn't know what he prefers, day or night, what kind of eggs does he likes, is he into pet play and lots more

"got caught up to sleep, the dream was so good I don't want to wake up" they both laughed
"so what did you dream?"



the gayness was too wild

Renjun thought he was heterosexual. Women has boobs, they have nice legs and they smell nice too. Men doesn't  have fluffy boobs, just hard chest. Men smells gross to be honest. Even renjun smells sometimes.

But Jeno and Jaemin.

Renjun is weirdly attracted to their hard chest, and intoxicating smell. Jaemin and Jeno smell so fucking nice.

Jeno smelled like pine wood, probably because he wore cologne but god damn he smelled good. Jaemin smelled like Toasted Cinnamon and a bit of Jeno since he cling onto him like a glue.

They were oodly attractive too, and Renjun didn't want to admit it but maybe he did feel a certain way towards the two. But he didn't want to jinxed it, the two was cutely in love with each other and even though they once admitted they like renjun, it was too fast. Too fast for his liking, if they like him this fast, maybe they will like other people this fast too and he will just get dumped in the end.

For now, Renjun didn't want to be in their relationship, relationship is build with trust and he doesn't have enough trust to be with them.

'They're cute, but maybe for another time, if we were to get along with each other, then maybe. Us is possible.'

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