Wrong Outfit, Right Time

Start from the beginning

As long as the kitchen is clean when I finish getting dressed, I'll let it slide, Blue thought. This time. 

The door handle turned with a soft click, and he slipped inside the room before closing the door behind himself. Baby blue walls and plush, light grey carpet greeted him. The room's darkness caused the glowing, plastic stars on his ceiling to shine. Blue smiled. Nearly two decades later and silly little things still work. He had thought they would have stopped glowing years ago, yet they persisted. With the flick of a switch, the overhead light sprung to life and chased away the stars' gentle glow. A quiet 'Mweh' sounded as he made his way over to his dresser, a small white-painted furnishing. Blue searched the drawers, frown deepening as each failed to contain anything suitable for his meeting. Everything was either too childish or not protective enough. Lightly huffing, he folded up any loose clothing and put them back into the dresser. "What will I do now? I can't just skip or reschedule the meeting because none of my clothes are appropriate." He muttered, glaring at the ground. 

Blue stood there a moment, trying to think of a remedy for his problem. Eventually, his eyelights wandered over to his closet door. The tiny room housed many things: relics from the past, personal items he preferred hidden, Stretch's old baby clothes and photographs (an older brother must always be prepared to embarrass/blackmail their younger brother). Perhaps he left a backup set of armor or some more suitable clothing in there? There was only one way to find out. Blue walked over to the door and opened it. 

Neatly labeled boxes sat on a high shelf. A few old coats hung from the bar below it: his own light blue hoodie, a fluffy red jacket he may or may not have stolen from Red, and a couple of different styled grey coats for important occasions (date, funeral, etc.). Several boxes were tucked neatly into a corner on the floor. Deciding to start there, the pajama-clad skeleton pulled out the top two boxes and noticed the battered, old box hidden below. He pushed the other boxes aside to examine the damaged one. It was a white/grey color, unlike its square comrades, which were an unmarred brown. The longer the investigation continued, the more his brow furrowed. Blue gave the box a once-over with narrowed eye sockets. As suspected, no discernible label was scrawled across its surface.

Placing a hand on each side of the lid, he slowly removed it and inspected the contents. A worn parchment bearing the royal insignia sat atop the various items inside. The parchment's ink had faded with time, but the words could still be deciphered. "W__ted __ad o_ __i_e." It said in big, bold lettering. Right below the text was a discolored image depicting a short, hooded monster with a recognizable grin. Blue-colored magick quickly encompassed the bedroom door's lock and flicked it into the 'locked' position. The skeleton holding the paper blushed, folding it and slipping it back in the box. 

"So, this is from before- when we lived in New Home." He added a mumbled, "I suppose that should have been obvious considering the color of the box."

A wide grin spread across his face. That means my old clothes should be in here! I bet Stretch will be so excited to see them again.

I never did tell him why I stopped wearing them, did I?

Blue riffled through the box, seeking the pieces of his long lost outfit. He soon removed a soft, grey leather jacket from it; a furless hood was attached to the back collar. Despite all the horrors the coat was subjected to, it remained in relatively good condition, which pleased him immensely. After setting the jacket down, he placed a matching pair of leather boots next to it. Then a stitched up pair of light blue sweatpants and a white undershirt joined them on the floor. Blue proceeded to snag some socks from his dresser before putting on the old clothes. Once dressed, he glanced at the body-length mirror hanging on his wall and pointed finger guns at his reflection. He looked as magnificent as he did during his teenage years.

Humming a cheery tune, Blue exited his room and made his way downstairs. 

Suddenly, his brother teleported in front of him and took ahold of his jacket's collar, leaning closer to his face. The taller skeleton growled, "Who are you? How did you get into my house? What have you done to my brother?"

He slapped Stretch's hand away and poked a finger into his chest. "Don't take that tone with me, mister! I have no time for arguments; I'm already late enough as is."


"Of course, brother. Who else would I be?" Blue answered with a raised eyebrow, hands on his hips.

Stretch sputtered for a moment before saying, "W-what are you wearing?"

"Oh, these old things? They were in the back of my closet. Mweh-he-he, I nearly forgot I put them there!" The lively skeleton chuckled, "Sneaky little devils."

He walked around his stunned brother only to have a hand landed on his left shoulder; its firm grip prevented him from getting to the front door. Blue glanced over his other shoulder. Stretch stood behind him with a disapproving expression replacing his generally carefree one. "No. Nope, I am not letting you go out dressed like that!"

Blue gently batted the hand away, glaring at his brother while proclaiming, "Papyrus, I am a grown skeleton; I can wear whatever I want. Besides, don't you remember this outfit? You used to love it when you were little- always going on and on about how cool and dangerous your big brother looked."


He ignored the stressed word and glanced at the livingroom's clock. It read: 8:25 a.m. The meeting would start at 8:40, meaning if Blue didn't speed things up, he would be unfashionably late. Giving a cheery grin, he quickly said, "Oh dear, look at the time. I really must be going, or else I'm going to be late for the meeting." Stretch opened his mouth to object, but Blue was already in front of the door. "Love you, brother! See you when I get home!" After that, he slipped out of the house and bolted down the street, dismissing his brother's cries for him to stop or slow down.

Blue walked through the sparkly halls of the Star Sanses' base, hoping to reach the conference room before the meeting started. Random Sanses and Papyruses gave him odd looks as he passed. They were ignored for the most part. However, he couldn't help but wonder why his acquaintances and friends suddenly decided to eye him with suspicion. Perhaps they wish to know where I got my magnificent outfit from, the skeleton thought. The idea got dismissed rather quickly, as no one tried to ask or even gave him a 'hello' as walked by. Blue decided to think about the strange behavior later. Right now, he had an important meeting to get to; no time to strike up a conversation or question those around him. 

With a speedy gait, the possibly late Star Sans spotted the door leading to the conference room and Ink, who stood right next to it. Blue grinned, walking up to his friend. He expected a pleasant 'hello' or a light scolding, but instead, the artist stiffened and demanded, "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

"What? Ink, it's me." Blue said, confused. "My armor got damaged this morning, so-"

Ink's face paled. Then he bolted, screaming in horror, "Dream! Dream, run! There is a voicesnatcher in the base, and they stole Blue's voice!"

The blue-eyed skeleton yelled after the other, "What! No, I haven't stolen a thing in my life- Oh, wait... There is that one time." He shook his head and shouted, "But, aside from that, I've never stolen anything!"

Blue watched his friend's retreating form vanish into the distance. 

"Is my outfit really that ugly?" He wondered aloud while glancing down at his apparel. 

Suddenly, a finger tapped on his shoulder. Blue looked over and saw Classic and Red standing next to him. His mean counterpart had a deep scowl set on his skull and narrowed eye sockets, but somehow seemed as though he wanted to be anywhere else; especially when Blue failed to falter under his steely, red gaze. The original Sans flashed his signature lazy smile, soon saying, "Oh, hey! I don't think we've met. You from a new AU or somethin'?"

Blue turned and calmly strolled toward the conference room, refusing to be a part of some kind of prank.

"Woah, rude. I bet he is from a Fell universe." Classic snickered from behind him. 

As he walked away, he heard an unintelligible grumble for the Fell Sans in response. Knowing Red, it was likely a string of vulgar expletives.

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