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Emi's POV 

I woke up to knocking on my door. I got up and opened it to see all three kids holding their blankets. "What is it," I said opening the door.

"There's some noises coming from downstairs" Nadia said pushing her way through and getting in bed.

"What noises," I picked the twins up laying down with them.

"Someone breaking glass, and crying saying 'where are you Emilia'. It's really scary"

"Did the voice sound familiar or something"

"I think it was mama"

My eyes went big and instantly jumped on Oak trying to wake him up. "Babe wake now.. Dear god please wake up" I was in near tears from hearing the banging get louder. He groaned and woke up. 

"What is it"


"She's here please do something" tears ran down my face now.

"Take the kids to the closet into that little room and stay there, I'll get her"

I nodded and picked the kids up running to the closet, I did as he told me and hid. For what seemed like hours we heard a big bang and a groan that came from Oak. "Watch them "I said to Nadia and ran out to see Oak on the ground surrounded in blood and her running. 

I decided to run after her.  When I caught her I grabbed her neck and threw her down. With my foot against her neck it made it hard for her to breath. "Die you crazy bitch" I seethed. 

"Emilia no!" I turned around to see Daveed and Rafa behind me. Dav ran over and pulled me off her.

"Oak. Room.  Shot " was all I could say coming back to reality. He told Rafael and he ran in.

Minutes later the EMT was here taking Oak to the hospital, Rafael kept the kids busy enough to not see anything that happened. "NO NO TAKE ME THAT'S MY FIANCE PLEASE!" I tried to fight against Daveed's hold.

"Emi calm down we'll take you. Rafa will take the kids to our house for two nights okay"

"Please make sure my babies safe" I cried into his chest. "Please if he goes I don't know what I'll do if the kids go to"

"Hey we will do any and everything in our power to make sure things go right okay"

I nodded. The kids came over to me.

"Mama is daddy okay" Amare said sitting in my lap.

"Yes daddy is okay, he just has to go the hospital, He's sick"

"My daddy is sick" Nadia said scared.

"Yes but everything is okay"

"You promise"

"Yes baby now you guys will be with Uncle Dav and Uncle Rara for two  days okay"

"Okay" they said in unison.  Rafael came up and took them to get some clothes.

Daveed and I drove to the hospital. We parked in the parking lot and sat in silence.

"Yes fine Emi"

"I know but it still hurt, my fiance got shot"

"I know" he put a hand on my cheek. "He's gonna be alright"

We stared into each others eyes for a long time till we both leaned in and kissed. I quickly pulled away.

"No no no no. Daveed I can't, WE can't. We're both engaged, and we both love the person we're with"

"Yeah but nobody needs to know" he kissed me again this time i kissed back and we quickly made it to the  back seat. 

"Before we go any further you sure you want to do this-"

"Shut up and kiss me" I went back do and the rest is history.  Or so I thought.

- 5 months later -

Daveed and I have been seeing each other with out anyone knowing. Surprise I'm pregnant with Oak's baby it's a boy. Right now me and Daveed just got done with a quicky.

"So your having a boy"  he took a puff of his blunt

"Yeah I hope this stays, I don't think we can take another heart break"

"Me and Rafael are getting married soon we're gonna have to stop Emi"

"I know, but god you make it feel so good"

He chuckled. "I know but what is he gonna say if he finds out about us meeting up. Hell I'm probably dead to him and you he'll never trust you again"

"One last time"

"One last time. Tomorrow"

I nodded and got dressed and went back home."Babe I'm home!" I called out.

"Nadia's room!"

 I went upstairs and found them in a pillow and cover fort. "What are you guys doing" I  giggled.

"Daddy said we could do it" Awnry giggled and clapped her hands. I sat down by her and hugged her. 

"How is mama doing" Oak said speaking up.

"Mama is tired"

"Well I have plans for me and mama tomorrow, will she be sleepy then"

"No mama wont" he flashed the same smile form the first day we met. 

"Good, now guys get ready for bed it's almost bed time" 

"Okay daddy" they all ran to they're room and got in bed.

We got them tucked in and asleep now we're in bed arm in arm. "I love you Emilia"

"I love you too Oak"

He tuned my face to his and kissed me with nothing but love and passion. I kissed back and it soon lead to something more that night.  

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