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"I missed you so much," I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you too baby girl," he said into my hair.

"What took you so long"

"Form complications"

"So you're here for good now"

"Yes baby," he kissed me and I kissed back.

"Stop it right there," we heard a man shout at us. I look to see a black figure.

"What do you want," Oak said back.

"You two dead," he cocked the gun and shot it at us. With a swift movement, Oak turned us to where his back was to him. A yelp from Oak and us falling only meant one thing. He was dead.

"No no. Oak wake up please wake up," tears streaming down my face. "OAK WAKE UP PLEASE I CAN'T HAVE YOU LEAVE US" he stayed down lifeless. "NOOOOOOO"

"NOOOOOO," I shot up tears down my face and covered in sweat. I was panting and looking around the room. I feel like I'm being watched. I rest a hand on my now 6-month pregnant stomach. No complications yet. I laid back down and drifted off to sleep.


I'm woken out of my sleep by someone messing with my hand. As soon as I move my hand the movement around me stopped. I kept my eyes closed as if I was asleep. These hands felt familiar. They soon touched my hand again, for some reason they only touched my ring finger. What the hell is going on?

"Hello," his hands stopped. "Who's there"

They didn't do anything.

"I'll give to the count of ten"

You think I'm really gonna count hell no I'm fucking terrified. All I saw was my door open and close. I picked up my phone and called Chris and Leslie.

"Get over here now" with that they hung up and 10 to 15 minutes later I heard knocks on my door. I ran and opened it. They were slumped up against the walls nodding off.

"Guys wake up"

"Mmm yeah, what it," Chris got up quick nudging Les.

"Come in," we went in and sat down.

"What was so important that you had us come over at," Leslie looked at his phone. "5 in the morning"

"I think there's someone in my house"

"Yeah you and the twins," Chris flatly stated.

"No like someone else. I woke up because I felt someone messing with my ring finger. It felt like they were sizing it or something. But that's not all, these hands. They felt familiar, like hella familiar"

"Who do you think it was," They both moved in closer.

"I don't know. Couldn't have been Rafa, Daveed or Jazzy, they're out in Oakland. Couldn't be Ant he's busy shooting She's Gotta Have It (go watch it fucking amazing) and it couldn't be Oak he's not here. And plus Nae Nae and Pip's hands are too delicate to the touch"

"Who else could it be"

"How the hell I'm supposed to know this"

"Look one of us can stay with you if want. We'll make a pallet on the floor next to you okay," Chris said.


"Good. Not it," Chris said.

"Ugh dam, you. If your gonna do that then go by my house and get me clothes"

The Quiet One {Okieriete Onaodowan}Where stories live. Discover now