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"Babe wake up," Oak shook me awake.

"What the hell do you want Okeriete at," I looked at our clock. "7 in the morning"

"The creators of TED Talk want me to come speak," he had the biggest grin in his face. He's always been interested in TED talks.

"For real baby," I got up.


"That's fantastic," I hugged him and he hugged back.

"I can't wait"

"Wait when do they want you to go," I pulled back.

"Next week," he smiled sheepishly.

"We're going with you"

"What about the studio"

"Renée and Pippa know how to run it"

"You sure you wanna go though. You know being all pregnant and all"

"I swear Okeriete if you start babying me again," I laid back down because I hella sleepy, but someone had other plans. He picked me up still in the covers and placed me on the couch. There was a knock at the door and he opened it.

"It's the cookie monster," I heard a voice say. I instantly knew who it was. I jumped out of my blanket and ran to hug Thayne.

"THAYNE, oh how I missed you so," he hugged me back

"EMILIA, oh how I missed you so too"

"I see someones happy to see someone," another voice said.

"Aaaahhhhhh GROFFY" I let go and hugged Jonathan.

"Hey Emi," he hugged back. Even though we never hung out a lot during Hamilton we still had a great time working together. Thayne always made sure I had cookies while I was still at the theatre and pregnant. Groffsauce always made me laugh when everyone was out on stage.

"Wow she's happy for you guys but was ready rip my head off this morning just for waking her up," Oak said coming upfront.

"I like them more than you right now," I said sitting down sticking my tongue out at him, he did the same.

"You guys are- hey hey hey when did this happen," Thayne said picking my hand up to look at the ring.

"Yesterday," I blushed as Oak came and sat down with me.

"Oh my gosh it's so beautiful," Jon said looking at it too.

"Why thank you," Oak pipped in.

Everything was good until the twins started whining.

"Let us get them," Thayne and Jon went to get out babies and came back with them giggling.

"How did you do that," Oak said in disbelief.

"Easy. Cookies," Thayne said giving them both one.

"Hey woah no Thayne. No sugar in the morning," I protested.

"Please just this once," Thayne begged.

"Fine but nothing else. One cookie"

"Yes ma'am," we watched as they curiously ate the cookie they each had. Awnry broke her cookie and gave a piece to Thayne. Amare ate his cookie and was covered in crumbs.

I've noticed how they act around new people. Awnry is just like her dad, quiet and not really into that person. Amare, on the other hand, is more like me. He's always happy and bubbly, nonstop laughing.

"She's just like you, you know," I leaned back into arms.

"Yeah she needs to stay like that"

"You know she's not gonna be your little girl forever Oak"

The Quiet One {Okieriete Onaodowan}Where stories live. Discover now