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9 months later March 2017

The twins are now 10 months. Everyone from the original cast has left Hamilton and we're doing our own things. Right now Lin, Renée, Jazzy, Ant, and Rafa are over.

"So have they started to talk," Ant said.

"Sadly no they try but the closes they get to a word is yea," Oak said.

"Aww come on try to teach them," Rafa said picking Awnry up causing her to giggle.

"We have," Oak and I said at the same time.

"Rafa," Awnry said.

"What did u say," I looked at her in shock.

"Rafa," she giggled pointing at Rafa.

"Yea baby girl uncle rara, "I was on the brink of tears. Amare crawled over to me and balanced himself on my knees to stand up.

"M-m-mama," he said patting my leg.

"Babe did you hear that"

"Yes sweetie I did"

"He said mama," I had tears running down my face.

"Holy shit guys they said their first words," Anthony jumped up happily.

"Shit," Amare copied.

"No no no no"

"Shit mama," he said.

"He did that"

"Ant imma kill you," I jumped up ready to choke him but Oak grabbed my hips. I tried to kick and punch him but Oak wouldn't let me.

"Hey hey hey babe calm down. Calm down"

"No he broke my kid," I still tried.

"Mama," Amare said giggling.

I stopped and looked at him. "Yes baby," he made grabby hands and I picked him up.

"Hey um, guys, I think there's something I need to tell you," Rafa said looking up from Awnry's eyes.

"What is it," Renée said setting her water bottle down.

"Well uh um so uh me and D-Daveed and I have like been seeing each other and um yeah"

"I knew it," Jazzy and Renée and Lin said at the same time.

"Wait what"

"Oh come one the way Daveed looks at you when no one else is looking, or well when he thinks no one is looking you can obviously tell he loves you," Lin said putting his phone back in his pocket.

"We were that obvious," Rafa said a bit surprised.

"Yes," we said in unison.

"Wow," he said.

"And plus it was bound to happen sooner or later," Lin added.


Everyone left and now we're cuddling on the couch with the twins playing on the floor. There was a knock on the door and I got up to get it. I opened it and saw a beautiful dark-skinned woman at the door with what seems to be a 3-year-old daughter.

"Hi I'm here looking for Okieriete"

"And you are-"

"Hey babe whos at the door," Oak called from the couch. I heard him get up and come to the door. "Hey- Steph?"

"Oak this cant be who you were talking about two years ago could," I turned towards him.

"Y- yes"

The Quiet One {Okieriete Onaodowan}Where stories live. Discover now