Chapter 10 - Physical attraction chemical reaction

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A.N: Enjoy my lovelies. The first part in the episode before.

Rosalind POV:

I see Callie at the coffee cart on my break. "Hey what have you got today?"

"Two women fighting over a wedding dress for a cash prize," she sighs. I snort seeing the humour in the situation, "George is on the same case. It's hard to see him."

"Get even," I shrug.

"Mark kinda did," she hesitates. I send her a confused look paying the guy for the coffee, "He is making George stand-in for one of the women by holding  the dress."

I laugh loudly as we walk down the corridor, "That's brilliant. You should use it to your advantage. Get out some of that anger."

"Yeah," she sighs before shaking her head, "What have you got?"

"Got a guy with enlarged appendix other than that nothing too exciting today so I'm on peds or neuro rotation after depends on who snaps me up first," I explain not really too bothered.

"All of the other residents are on the hunt for good surgeries," Callie mentions, "Why don't you?"

I smirk, "I have explained to my interns that if they find the surgery they are first picked to scrub in. So they just have to find me one."

"So you get them to do the grovelling?"

"I teach them a lot more than the others," I defend.

"Alright, well I have to go deal with the bridezillas," Callie sighs walking down a different corridor.

"Have fun!"


Next day

We are in the resident locker room getting changed when Cristina comes in. She is happy and cheers, "I've painted Burke's apartment so I can finally stop calling it that and I'm on cardio all week."

Alex comes in then looking annoyed, "I'm on post-op for the second week in a row. You've got to trade with me Mer."

Cristina gloats, "I'm with Hahn."

Alex tells her, "You need to wake up and check the board."

"I'm in the clinic today finally," I sigh, "I don't get why I haven't been there sooner."

"Because all the attendings and residents wanted to have you to see how good the new genius is," Cristina scoffs.

I frown, "Oh, well they shouldn't keep me from everything else."

Alex throws a pen at Cristina, "Look what you did little genius was all happy and smiley today and you ruined it."

"I ruined it!" she exclaims throwing the pen back at him, "You brought up the conversation. Besides since when have you two been close."

"Alex has always been nice to me. Only tried to hit on me once then stopped," I explain and smile again. "Cristina don't worry nothing can ruin my mood today," I say and hug her.

She looks at me weirdly, "Did you get laid? Is that why you are so happy?"

I laugh and shake my head. "Yes, but besides the point. Today is my birthday! My first one with all of you." They all cheer and hug me.

"You should have told us," Alex says and the others agree. I shrug.

"Told you now."

"We have to do something," Izzie demands at my reluctant face she changes her mind, "Alright low key drinks at Joe's." I nod causing the others to cheer.

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